Published On: February 20, 2014

10 Top Headphones

Published On: February 20, 2014
Last Updated on: March 9, 2022
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10 Top Headphones

In some ways headphones have changed the least out of all the AV gear out there. Sure, they have noise-canceling ones, and ones molded to fit your ear canal. But there's still plenty of earmuff, 70's-style headphones out there to...

10 Top Headphones

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ID-1002276807.jpgIn some ways headphones have changed the least out of all the AV gear out there. Sure, they have noise-canceling ones, and ones molded to fit your ear canal. But there's still plenty of earmuff, 70's-style headphones out there to keep even the most retro-minded audiophile happy.

And whichever style you prefer there are plenty of choices out there. Whether you are mixing an album, jamming tunes on the subway, or watching CNN while the wife and kids sleep there is a pair of headphones out there for you. Take a look at our list to help you decide . . .

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