Published On: July 17, 2012

Anthem Announces Statement D2v 3D and AVM 50v 3D

Published On: July 17, 2012
Last Updated on: October 31, 2020
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Anthem Announces Statement D2v 3D and AVM 50v 3D

Anthem has decided to kick it up a notch with the company's notable Statement D2v and AVM 50v audio video processors by introducing an upgrade to the units that will allow them to handle 3D.

Anthem Announces Statement D2v 3D and AVM 50v 3D

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anthem_d2v_3D_preamp.jpgAnthem recently announced a 3D upgrade to the Anthem Statement D2v and Anthem AVM 50v audio/video processors. The latest generation Statement D2v 3D and AVM 50v 3D have 8 HDMI inputs and 2 parallel outputs: HDMI Inputs 1 through 4 and HDMI Output 1 now support 3D pass-through mode, automatically switching to it upon sensing a 3D source.

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When detecting the presence of 3D video, the new Anthem circuit boards go into pass-through mode as per a source menu option for video output configuration, passing the 3D HDMI signal from a 3D Blu-ray player to a 3D display at resolutions up to 1080p. For additional convenience, in pass-through mode the output refresh rate is now automatically matched to the source's frame refresh rate, useful for sources that output a mix between 24, 50 and 60 Hz.

A physical upgrade for existing owners of the Anthem preamplifier/processors will also be available (shipping to start in August, 2012) via a new dealer-installed mezzanine board, which replaces the two smaller video boards for HDMI Inputs One through Four and HDMI Output One. A software update, downloaded from the Anthem website, will also be part of the upgrade package. Complementing the 3D switching and automatic pass-through features, the upgrade equips both processors with video processor bypass for 2D, useful for reference quality video content that does not require cleanup or scaling. The on-screen status display information does not apply in "through" mode, since video processing is bypassed.

In developing the upgrades, Anthem subjected both A/V processors to rigorous compliance testing in order to achieve HDMI certification. As a pioneer in the troubleshooting and integration of HDMI, Anthem understands how to use these connections to their fullest. The processors are equipped with four additional HDMI inputs (for a total of eight) and one additional HDMI output (for a total of two), delivering unprecedented connection capabilities for a preamplifier/processor. All inputs and outputs offer Deep-Color support (36-bit).

The Anthem Room Correction (ARC) system also comes standard with the latest Statement D2v 3D and AVM 50v 3D. While equalizing frequency response in a room to achieve some generic (i.e. "flat") response is a common approach to solving problems with room acoustics, Anthem engineers feel it results in an unnatural-sounding spectral balance since it does not account for in-room cues that the human ear/brain mechanism expects. ARC differs from other systems in that it uses proprietary processing to compute each speaker's in-room frequency response and then computes a target frequency response for each.

The Statement D2v 3D and AVM 50v 3D are currently available for order. US FMV for the Anthem Statement D2v 3D is $9,499 and for the Anthem AVM 50v 3D, $6,499. The US FMV for the 3D upgrade kit is TBA. For more information, visit

Additional Resouces
• Read more AV preamp news from
• Explore reviews in our AV Preamp Review section.
• Learn more from our review of the Anthem Statement D2v.

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