Aqara has recently launched its latest smart lock, the Smart Lock U50. This new product follows the release of the Smart Outlet H2 and the Hub M3. The U50 aims to provide a more affordable alternative to Aqara's previous model, the U100, while maintaining many of the key features that make Aqara's smart locks popular among consumers.
The Smart Lock U50 is designed to replace standard deadbolt locks, commonly found in the United States and Canada homes. One of the most notable differences between the U50 and its predecessor, the U100, is the absence of a fingerprint sensor, which helps to lower the price of the U50. Despite this omission, the U50 retains many features that make it a versatile and practical option for homeowners.
Physically, the U50 comes in a darker shade of grey, nearly black, differing from the U100, which was available in gun metal grey, silver, and black. This new color scheme adds a sleek and modern touch to the lock's appearance. The U50 also includes a keypad for passcode entry and supports Apple HomeKey, allowing users to unlock their doors using an iPhone or Apple Watch. Additionally, Aqara NFC key fobs can be used with the U50, and two physical keys are provided as a manual backup.
The Smart Lock U50 incorporates Zigbee and Bluetooth communication protocols, enabling it to connect directly to the Aqara Home app for setup, lock management, and firmware updates. While an Aqara hub is not necessary for basic functionality, using one unlocks the full potential of the U50.
The hub provides compatibility with an extensive range of Matter-compatible smart home platforms, including Google Home, Amazon Alexa, SmartThings, and more. This allows users to integrate the U50 into their existing smart home ecosystems seamlessly.
For Apple Home users, the U50 offers direct support for Apple HomeKey, a feature that allows unlocking the door with a simple tap of an iPhone or Apple Watch. However, connecting the lock to Apple Home via a Matter-enabled Aqara hub will disable the Apple HomeKey feature, which could be a consideration for some users.
The Smart Lock U50 offers multiple secure entry options to suit various user preferences. In addition to the Apple HomeKey and passcode entry, users can manage and share home access using one-time and recurring passwords, as well as NFC cards. For added peace of mind, the lock includes a USB-C port for emergency charging, ensuring access is never lost even if the batteries are depleted.
One significant improvement in the U50 over the U100 is the ability to rekey the lock using existing keys. The U50 uses a standard 5-pin deadbolt, making rekeying a straightforward process, whereas it was nearly impossible with the U100.
The lock's automation options, accessible via both the Apple Home and Aqara Home apps, include time-sensitive, one-off, and periodic passcodes, as well as Do Not Disturb modes. The U50 can also be associated with Aqara's G4 video doorbell, allowing users to control the lock directly from the same screen used to view the live stream from the doorbell.
The Smart Lock U50 is powered by four AA batteries, which can last up to six months. A USB port is included for emergency charging, ensuring the lock remains operational even if the batteries run out.
Key Features:
The Smart Lock U50 is available for purchase on Amazon for $149.99. A special time-limited 20% discount is available using the code USCAU50P.