Published On: February 8, 2011

Atlantic Technology Delivers New Wireless Audio Solutions

Published On: February 8, 2011
Last Updated on: October 31, 2020
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Atlantic Technology Delivers New Wireless Audio Solutions

The new WA-50 Wireless Audio System from Atlantic Technology can transmit a full-range stereo signal wireless up to 150 feet or 300 feet line-of-sight with no time delay or interference. It can also accommodate three time zones and

Atlantic Technology Delivers New Wireless Audio Solutions

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Atlantic Technology has introduced its WA-50 Wireless Audio System, which can transmit a full-range stereo signal wirelessly up to 150 feet, or 300 feet line-of-sight, and with reportedly no time delay or interference. The WA-50 system can accommodate three zones and eliminates the need for long runs of RCA cable for powered subwoofers or remote amplified speaker systems.

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The Atlantic Technology WA-50 wireless audio system is easy to set up and use. The company claims that up to three WA-50 transmitters and an unlimited number of receivers can be used in a system. Simply connect the WA-50 transmitter to the desired RCA audio outputs, and the WA-50 receiver to the RCA line inputs of a powered subwoofer or powered speaker system. Both the transmitter and receiver have a three-position switch that assigns each pairing to either Zone 1, Zone 2, or Zone 3.


The WA-50 can also be connected to your PC or Macintosh using a supplied USB cable interface. This allows the WA-50 to transmit music from the computer to your high-end audio system or to a portable audio system by the pool for parties.

The Atlantic Technology WA-50 Wireless Audio System, consisting of a transmitter, receiver, UDB Cable, and RCA input and output cables, is now available for a suggested retail price of $199, with additional WA-50 receivers and output cables available for $89 each.

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