Published On: April 20, 2009

Atlona Technology's new wireless USB to HDMI or VGA converter

Published On: April 20, 2009
Last Updated on: October 31, 2020
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Atlona Technology's new wireless USB to HDMI or VGA converter

Atlona Technologies recently announces their new wireless USB to HDMI or VGA converter, the AT-HDAiR. This Converter is both XP and Vista compatible, and will allow users to connect any USB enabled computer or laptop wirelessly, to any HDTV or...

Atlona Technology's new wireless USB to HDMI or VGA converter

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Atlona Technologies recently announces their new wireless USB to HDMI or VGA converter, the AT-HDAiR. This Converter is both XP and Vista compatible, and will allow users to connect any USB enabled computer or laptop wirelessly, to any HDTV or projector via VGA or HDMI. The AT-HDAiR is designed to transmit high-resolution content up to 30ft and resolutions up to 720p or 1440x1200. With quick and easy installation, this unit is perfect for any consumer and commercial application.

The AT-HDAiR uses chipsets developed by Wisair to transmit USB protocol over Ultra wide band (UWB) frequencies. Various new products featuring "Ultra Speed" by Wisair will all be fully compatible with each other, allowing users to connect to various devices such as printers, displays, audio receivers, human input devices, and more. Atlona will release the AT-HDAiR with an MSRP of $199.00 in early May. Should you have any questions at all on this new product please feel free to email me.

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