Audio Electronics by Cary Audio has teamed up with Audiogon to be an online sales destination for the Audio Electronics brand. Founded in 1997, the Audiogon marketplace reaches a worldwide community of over 350,000 high fidelity enthusiasts, offering used, demo and manufacturer-direct products for sale.
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Audio Electronics by Cary Audio highlight the simplicity of the initial products launched under the Audio Electronics Supply moniker in 1993 yet improve upon the build quality and sonic performance by using more modern design parameters and carefully selected premium parts.
The new models include:
Constellation Preamplifier MSRP $1495
Hercules Power Amplifier MSRP $1895
Nighthawk Headphone Amplifier MSRP $1195
The Audio Electronics by Cary Audio line has been designed at the company's factory in North Carolina and is manufactured by hand there as well. "One key to re-introducing the Audio Electronics brand is to let consumers know on a broad scale that these high performance, value oriented products exist," explained Cary Audio President Billy Wright. "What better way to get this message out than to partner with a company like Audiogon, which is known and respected in the industry and throughout the world for bringing customers together to experience the best in electronic components," Wright concluded.