Published On: August 6, 2010

AV Forum Home Theater Acquired by Parent of

Published On: August 6, 2010
Last Updated on: October 31, 2020
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AV Forum Home Theater Acquired by Parent of and are both online publications that offer professional, expert views of home electronics technology. Now the two magazines' parent company, Luxury Publishing Group, Inc., has acquired reader-content-oriented site Home Theatre

AV Forum Home Theater Acquired by Parent of

  • The staff at is comprised of experts who are dedicated to helping you make better informed buying decisions.

HomeTheaterSpot-HomePage.gifLuxury Publishing Group Inc., the parent company behind and, has just acquired the AV forum website from its founder. Home Theater Spot adds a user-generated content element to the growing network of popular consumer electronics and specialty audio-video web publications, blogs and forums. is currently under a massive renovation by LPG which includes a whole new look and feel, the addition of new moderators, the return of many former moderators, a massive forum category renovation and more. A user sweepstakes giving away a $599 B&W Zeppelin speaker system went live on August 1, 2010. LPG is devoting significant resources into Home Theater Spot to help take it to the next level of performance as a friendly, useful, well organized and community-driven specialty audio-video forum.

"User generated content is another growth opportunity for Luxury Publishing Group to add more inventory to our most successful category of publications" says Jerry Del Colliano, LPG's CEO. "Only a few years ago Home Theater Spot was a website that had a vibrant readership, and was ranked in the top 5,000 sites by Alexa and packing big numbers with Google. We have every intention of restoring those levels of traffic and enthusiasm. Moreover, we believe that if we truly foster community among the most enthusiastic AV fans and professionals, then has a chance to become a niche social network that will have tremendous value beyond some of our traditional business models." is free to read, use and post comments on.

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