Published On: June 5, 2009

Best Buy Plans Thirteen New Stores As Other Retailers Fail

Published On: June 5, 2009
Last Updated on: October 31, 2020
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Best Buy Plans Thirteen New Stores As Other Retailers Fail

What better way to exert your dominance over your enemies than to build your castle upon their badly beaten bones? Well that is precisely what Best Buy is doing for as the rest of the specialty AV industry withers into oblivion the blue and yellow march triumphantly forward in their quest for AV dominance.

Best Buy Plans Thirteen New Stores As Other Retailers Fail

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Best Buy just announced plans to open 13 new U.S. Best Buy stores in the second fiscal quarter 2010, including its first store in Wyoming and second in Alaska. The new stores are set to open this summer in the following cities:

North Anchorage, Alaska
Miami Beach, Florida
Hammond, Louisiana
Hunt Valley, Maryland
Hutchinson, Minnesota
Bronx, New York
Brier Creek, North Carolina
Pottstown, Pennsylvania
Bastrop, Texas
Laredo North, Texas

Best Buy is opening new stores while other retailers like Circuit City and Tweeter have recently filed Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Business analysts suggest that a recession is a perfect time to build market share if the capital is available to grow when others are shrinking. Best Buy's competition has changed in recent years from Circuit City (now and online play) and Tweeter to warehouse stores like Costco and Wal-Mart.

Ribbon-cutting ceremonies and $10,000 check presentations to local nonprofits mark the opening of the new destinations. Updated layouts, highly trained employees, and interactive displays create a unique and engaging experience for customers. Featuring the latest products and services, the new Best Buy stores provide customers with the solutions to meet all of their technology needs.
Best Buy currently operates 1032 U.S. Best Buy stores in 49 states and in Puerto Rico, among other operations.

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