Talk to the grizzled veterans of the Consumer Electronics Show each January in Las Vegas and they will tell you that Sony's Beta was a better format than VHS - yet it was the ability to deliver adult content right into the home that made VHS the dominant format, thus launching the home theater business. In a world filled with Blu-ray, downloads and portable media everywhere - the VHS versus Beta debate isn't really relevant anymore, but the question "Can the porn industry can still drive the bus for the consumer electronics industry?" is being asked more and more these days.
Adult content and VHS are a well-established link, but porn was also key in the over-90-percent market share success of DVD-Video as a format through the 1990s. Pay-per-view adult content also played a part in helping grow the reach of both digital cable and satellite content providers. Look at the top sites on the Internet a little past Facebook and Google and you will see that many of them have naked people on them doing some pretty naughty things. It could be argued that Porn entrepreneurs were the first to get people to really pay for content on the Internet, which led to today's download services like Apple's iTunes, Netflix and Blockbuster.
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For more information on related topics, read our other articles, Adult Content Shaping the Future of Blu-ray and HD Downloads and Porn Interrupts Super Bowl Broadcast in Tucson. For even more information, read an article from on the state of the Adult Business by Joe Garofoli from March 2009.
For a good 25 years, the adult industry helped quietly power new technology in the consumer electronics industry. It was a good partnership and no irony that the Consumer Electronics Association and the AVN adult industry shows are in Las Vegas at the same time, despite tremendous costs and congestion in town at that time. Cracks started to show on "Blu-Friday" at CES in 2008 when Warner Brothers picked Blu-ray as their chosen HD videodisc format over the Toshiba and Microsoft (and adult industry) backed HD DVD. It was the first time since the VHS war that the adult industry bet wrong, but they quickly switched sides, as did the rest of the non-adult studios, and moved forward - but they weren't out of trouble yet.
The adult industry profit margins can be astronomically high including margins on DVD-Video and Blu-ray discs, which today sell at retail for $40 and $50 respectively. Comparatively, big budget Hollywood movies sell for around $20 at retail, while Blu-ray packing 1080p HD video and 7.1 uncompressed surround sound audio sells for around $30. The value started to evaporate for adult content on a shiny silver disc from this point forward. At Blu-Friday in 2008, the Internet was without question loaded with photos of adult content, but streaming video was limited mostly to 15 seconds and broadcast in credit-card-sized images that were hardly an immersive experience. Computers weren't linked to flat HDTVs plus people's Internet connections were not nearly as fast in the same way that they are today, thanks to the advent of fiber optics and other bandwidth improvements. Roll the tape forward to today and see the rise in popularity of "Tube Sites" inspired by the name of Google's YouTube but loaded with smut - these sites like,, and have changed the game for the porn industry in ways that can only be compared to the way that Napster rocked the music world. Gone are the credit card-sized videos. In are many times larger video vignettes with far better operation, streaming, buffering and access. Forget a few 15 second downloads on one webpage - now web surfers looking for adult content can get 40 minute plus videos for free from hundreds of non-pay sites. That's more content than a $40 DVD for free in a video that is one of thousands per site and there is more than one site. That's an infinite amount of porn that, unlike in 2008, can be much more easily streamed to one of today's HDTVs. In a way, porn might be the best reason to buy a Google TV but it's not making the adult business the same money as they are used to.
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The consumer electronics business has become much more of a well oiled machine today with low-cost, low-margin, feature-laden HDTVs driving the market. Costco, Wal-Mart and Best Buy are selling paper-thin, large format HDTVs by the hundreds a day. Vizio came out of nowhere to become a multi-billion dollar company in five short years. The adult industry hasn't advanced past massively profitable DVD-Video sales just like the music business never embraced anything other than Compact Disc sales. Consumers are rejecting the value proposition because of new technology in the adult business just like they did with music and Napster. A $10 per month Netflix account gets you a host of movies into your home plus streaming, but one short porn DVD sells at Larry Flint's Hustler retail store on Sunset Boulevard for $40 per title. HD video hasn't been kind to the adult industry. I've seen the girls on flights to Vegas and at the AVN Show, which is on the way from the specialty audio displays at The Venetian to The Wynn Hotel across the street. I hate to ruin anyone's fantasy here but - to be polite - these girls look a little rough in person. DVD-Video's 480i resolution or your computer's less-than-DVD resolution suits the content best whereas beaming 1080p is better for today's movies. Either way, porn isn't worth $40 per disc anymore. Additionally, people are shooting amateur porn on sub-$1,000 D-SLR cameras and uploading them to sites for a "thrill." Who knows if they will be the next Paris Hilton, but it's obvious that amateur porn is eating away at the adult industry's overall sales and ultimately its profit margins.
To date, the adult industry has lost a lot of its luster. It's a seedy business, albeit reportedly still a $14,000,000,000 industry. Stories about HIV-infected performers rain on the fantasy world about once per year. The adult industry has failed to adapt its pricing in many meaningful ways to keep up with the way that the consumer electronics business is going. Creative sites like are working to become the Netflix of porn with $10 per month rental services, downloads of well known titles and DVD-Video sales from $3 to $19 depending on the title. It's not the margins that the adult industry is used to but you can't force the consumer's hand. We learned that lesson with Napster in the music business and they never recovered.
Going forward, content featuring naked people doing adult things will still compel consumers to drive towards the illusive goal of AV convergence. Adult content can help shape the booming CE application market found on today's HDTVs, Blu-ray players and video game consoles. But where the adult industry has lost most of its power is that it no longer moves the needle as a business that can singlehandedly make or break an AV format. Like an aging starlet - its day has come and gone.
2022-10-16 19:39:44
nice sharing congratulations
2022-10-16 17:56:41