Published On: June 27, 2011

CEA Makes a Declaration of Innovation

Published On: June 27, 2011
Last Updated on: October 31, 2020
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CEA Makes a Declaration of Innovation

Gary Shapiro announced that the Consumer Electronics Association has a new initiative to launch that just might turn the United States consumer electronics industry around, but it will take some work.

CEA Makes a Declaration of Innovation

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CEA-Logo.gifGary Shapiro, president and CEO of the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA), just announced the launch of the Declaration of Innovation, an online pledge for Americans to sign in support of policies that ensure innovation remains the strategic advantage of the United States of America.

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"As we prepare to celebrate our nation's 235th birthday on July 4th, CEA's Innovation Movement is calling on all Americans to sign our Declaration of Innovation, pledging to return innovation to its rightful place as the center of America's economic policy," Shapiro said.

"The key priorities of CEA's Innovation Movement - free trade, skilled immigration, spectrum and lower deficits - are echoed by Democrats and Republicans alike, from President Obama's State of the Union address to the House Republican Technology Working Group's 2011 Technology Priorities. The American economy may be struggling, but innovation is our way forward."

Shapiro made this announcement in his keynote address as part of CE Week in New York City, the consumer electronic industry's new technology showcase and citywide industry celebration of the products and services that are driving the U.S. economy.

CEA's Innovation Movement urges lawmakers to support policies that promote innovation. The Declaration of Innovation specifically states:

"We believe American innovators should be able to buy and sell their products around the world.
"We believe that more spectrum must be available for wireless broadband. "We believe in welcoming the best and brightest minds to the United States.
"We believe in cutting the federal deficit."

CEA's Innovation Movement is conducting grassroots outreach across the country to encourage Americans to sign the Declaration of Innovation and learn more about why now is the time to stand up for innovation.

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