Published On: May 22, 2009

Circuit City To Relaunch As An Online Play

Published On: May 22, 2009
Last Updated on: October 31, 2020
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Circuit City To Relaunch As An Online Play

Circuit City, which feels to most of us like it went into business back when dinosaurs roamed the Earth, has been gone from the landscape for awhile now. However, as expected, the company is making a return on the Internet.

Circuit City To Relaunch As An Online Play


As predicted in when they went bankrupt - Circuit City is back. This time Circuit City will be an online play. Systemax (SYX on the NYSE) is the company that bought the rights to the name, the site and the email list and they plan to reopen the business just online.

There is no word if the company plans to reopen any of the physical stores - many of which were quite profitable and employed tens of thousands of people.

The brand "Circuit City" is powerful in the mind of consumers. If Systemax can find a way to generate enthusiasm for audio-video components, gadgets and HDTVs - they could have bought themselves a real gem with this property.

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