Clarus' New USB DAC and Headphone Amplifier Combines Flexibility and Performance

Published On: November 17, 2020
Last Updated on: March 9, 2022
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Clarus' New USB DAC and Headphone Amplifier Combines Flexibility and Performance

The CODA can handle DSD up to 5.6MHz and PCM up to 384kHz/32-bit and is compatible with both USB 1.1 and 2.0

Clarus' New USB DAC and Headphone Amplifier Combines Flexibility and Performance

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Clarus’ new CODA USB DAC with a built-in headphone amplifier  provides users with quality audio via its SABRE DAC with Hyperstream II modulation. Compatible with both USB 1.1 and 2.0, the new release supports 384kHz/32-bit PCM playback and up to 5.6MHz DSD, and is built with a class G headphone amp with 2.0Vrms output voltage. Additionally, the CODA’s software can be upgraded once Clarus releases new firmware updates, although it already supports the big features you would expect, such as MQA decoding. Available starting December 1, the CODA retails for $300.

Additional Resources
• Visit the Clarus and MQA websites for additional details and product specs
• Visit our Digital to Analog Converter Reviews page to read about similar products

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