, a leading consumer comparison site in the consumer electronics industry, is out with a study on consumer spending habits just when consumers are at their most enthusiastic, spending best.
Conclusions From The Report Include:
• It's all about the deals: 51% of buyers don't care if they make the purchase online or in-store, as long as they get a good deal.
• 45% said they would NOT need to see the TV pre-purchase, so long as it had good reviews, their friends liked it, and it had good brand recognition.
• HDTV is still new to many people: 48% of respondents buying an HDTV said it would be their FIRST HDTV
• Small is beautiful: TVs smaller than 37 inches overtook large TVs by a margin of 170% (see chart in full story)
• LCD TVs dominate: 80% of respondents prefer LCD TVs, 17% want Plasma, and only 1.5% want rear projection
• Shoppers are getting savvy: Only 25% of buyers didn't care about TV features like refresh rate and LED back lighting.
In the eyes of, the picture looks very rosy for HDTV this holiday season and beyond with a large number of savvy consumers looking for, and finding good deals on TVs. Whether it s watching high definition sports, escaping into a Blu-ray movie, playing 1080p games or just watching your favorite TV show it's clear that despite a shaky economy consumers want their HDTV.