dnp denmark recently enlarged their manufacturing capability for the Supernova brand. dnp's manufacturing facility located in Copenhagen has placed a major emphasis on the Supernova brand to meet the demands of the US marketplace.
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• See our review for the Supernova Epic screen.
• Learn about all kinds of options in our Projector Screen Review section.
"Over the last couple of years dnp Supernova screens have made substantial gains in the US market, even though these products were expensive when compared to traditional white vinyl screens," says US Sales and Marketing Manager Jesse Walsh.
"While Supernova proved to be a vastly superior product," Walsh continues, "the trick to gaining a major market share was to reduce cost and make Supernova more affordable. dnp denmark has made a significant investment in the Supernova manufacturing process that will allow price reductions across the board on 23-23 screens - as much as 35% for some models. We anticipate a very positive response to this news, as price will no longer be an issue."
Learn more by visiting dnp's official website.