Late last year I reviewed the affordable Model 975 AV preamp from Internet-direct darling Outlaw Audio, which in turn prompted many readers to insist that I review the Emotiva UMC-200 AV preamp as well, for obvious reasons. I was happy to oblige and my resulting review - and arguably, my experience - was a positive one, to say the least. Shortly after receiving a copy of the review for fact-checking, Emotiva head honcho Dan Laufman reached out to me, asking if I would be interested in reviewing another Emotiva product. Sure, I replied, but rather than try to bowl me over with, say, the new XPR Series of amplifiers or perhaps giving me first crack at the soon-to-be-released XMC-1 AV preamp, he offered up a $500 amplifier in the form of the UPA-700. Hmm. When asked why he insisted upon sending me an amp that is modest by even Emotiva's standards, Dan simply replied, "I think you'll be shocked." It's been a long time since I've delved into the world of truly affordable amplification, unless you count my experiments with pro-style amplifiers. I supposed Dan would be proven correct: whether the experience was good or bad was to be determined.
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• Read more multi-channel amp reviews by the writers of
• Explore more reviews in our AV Preamp Review section.
• Find Bookshelf Speakers and Floorstanding Speakers for the UPA-700 to drive.
I should begin by apologizing, as I stated above that Dan sent me a $500 amplifier in the UPA-700. This is a lie, as it is a $499 amplifier, which like all Emotiva amplifiers is sold direct via the company's website. The UPA-700 takes its styling cues from the older UPA/XPA line of amplifiers rather than the newly released and rather sexy XPR lineup of products. This isn't to say the UPA-700 isn't physically attractive - it actually is - it's just not as attractive as the XPR amps. Still, the XPR amp's styling doesn't necessarily fit with any of Emotiva's other product offerings, meaning if you own a UMC-1 or have recently purchased a UMC-200 AV preamp, the UPA-700 will mate brilliantly. In truth, the UPA-700 is aimed at the consumer who would otherwise be in the market for a higher-end AV receiver, like the Sony STR-DA5800ES I reviewed recently. Pairing the UPA-700 with the UMC-200 would result in a separates system that would compete (and likely best) the Sony's performance at a sonic level for less than the Sony's $2,000 retail price: $902 less, to be exact. That's a good value proposition, but then again, that's always been Emotiva's MO.
Getting back to the UPA-700, it is a solid piece of kit that in person appears far more impressive and well-built than its pictures on the Internet would lead you to believe. It measures 17 inches wide by six inches high and just under 17 inches deep. It weighs a manageable 29 pounds although, like the UMC-200 I reviewed previous, it feels far more substantial in hand. The chassis is black with silver aluminum trim pieces (removable) flanking either side. There is a rather large "window" dead center of the front panel that houses the amp's indicator lights, which are defeatable via a switch on the rear of the amp. Below the indicator lights rests a large standby on/off button that features Emotiva's trademark "E" logo. The standby button glows amber when not in use and blue when the amp is operational.
Around back, you'll find a cleanly and clearly laid-out back panel, starting with the status LED control switch, which can be set to on or off, as well as a pair of 12-volt triggers, one input and one output. Immediately to the right of those options rest the seven unbalanced (RCA) inputs and seven pairs of five-way binding posts. All of the seven inputs and outputs are neatly spaced and clearly labeled. On the far right side of the back panel, you'll find the unit's main on/off switch, as well as its removable power cord receptacle.
As you've no doubt gathered by now, the UPA-700 is a seven-channel amplifier, with each channel capable of churning out a modest but sufficient 80 watts into eight ohms, all channels driven. The power output doesn't however double down into four ohms. Instead, it comes to rest at 100 watts per channel - again, all channels driven. The UPA-700 itself is a fully discrete dual-differential high-current design that operates Class A/B.
The Hookup
Naturally, I'm sure Dan would've preferred me to use the UPA-700 in conjunction with the recently reviewed UMC-200 that I still had on hand. While I did pair the two together, it's important to note that the performance notations you'll read in a moment were carried out with the UPA-700 connected to my reference AV preamp, the Integra DHC 80.2. Why? Because when I review a component, it's best to make it the only variable and, while I've become familiar with the UMC-200 since its arrival, I'm more familiar with my Integra. The two pieces were connected together via five one-meter RCA cables from Monoprice. The UPA-700 was then charged with powering five identical Aperion Audio Intimus 5B bookshelf speakers (left, center, right and surrounds), which were connected to the 700 via 12-gauge bulk speaker wire from Binary, a SnapAV company. I used SVS' wonderful SB13-Ultra for subwoofer duties. Source components included Oppo's new-ish BDP-103 universal player and Dune's HD Max Blu-ray player/media streamer, both of which were connected to my Integra via one-meter runs of high-speed HDMI cable from Monoprice. The total cost of this setup minus video, which came by way of a SIM2 Nero and a 120-inch Elite Screen, was just under $6,000 total. Subtract my Integra and replace it instead with Emotiva's own UMC-200 and the total system price drops to just a hair over $4,000. Swap out the SVS sub (why you'd want to is beyond me) and it would be very easy to assemble a system on par with what I used for this review for around $3,000 total - plus video, of course. This is an important fact to keep in the back of your head as we proceed.
Read about the performance of the Emotiva UPA-700 amplifier on Page 2.
I began my evaluation of the UPA-700 with some two-channel music. First up was Tori Amos' "Caught a Light Sneeze" from her box set anthology A Piano (Atlantic/Wea). Right away, I was struck by the UPA-700's tight, controlled sound that bared traits not dissimilar to higher-powered amplifiers. There was a cleanliness to the sound that I suppose I wasn't expecting, which isn't to suggest that the sound was in some way clinical or cold, just very resolute and composed. The midrange was (largely) neutral and free of coloration when played at reasonable volumes. When pushed, especially with regard to vocals, it was possible to get the midrange to flatten ever so slightly, but this isn't a knock against the UPA-700 exclusively, as many amps, even ones costing multiples more, can be found guilty of this trait.
Still, with regards to the UPA-700's vocal performance, its presence was startling. Throughout the frequency range, the UPA-700 proved very agile and dynamic, though I did sense it had an easier time resolving minute details that fell within the midrange on up through the treble, rather than in the midbass and bass regions. Again, I'm not saying the midbass or bass performance of the UPA-700 somehow stuck out inappropriately, just that it was maybe a touch less resolute. In truth, it didn't really bother me much, as the UPA-700 managed to get so many of the broad strokes correct that, unless you were listening specifically for errors (i.e. looking to find faults), you probably wouldn't notice. While some may take that last statement as a condemnation, it is my job as a reviewer to find fault with a product where faults exist. Please keep in mind that I am also a lover of music and the UPA-700 didn't stop me from enjoying one of my favorite tracks at any point.
Moving on, I cued up "Something Like Olivia" off John Mayer's latest album Born and Raised (Columbia). Again, Mayer's vocals were presented with incredible focus, though it was the surprising amount of inflection within the vocal track that impressed me most of all. The subtlety and ambiance the UPA-700 managed to grab hold of and put forth was surprising. Was it as good as my reference Parasound Halo amplifiers? Not exactly, though I wasn't expecting to hear much, if any, of the nuance I heard, and yet there it was, and for under $500, no less. The bass, which this track has a great deal of, was taut and tuneful, exhibiting solid control, though admittedly the heavy lifting was being done by the SVS sub. The soundstage was nicely appointed and appropriately spaced between the left and right mains. Its width didn't seem to venture too far from the speakers' outer baffles, maybe a foot at most, though it did extend back several feet, which was nice.
Moving on to some live music, I cued up Barenaked Ladies' Rock Spectacle (Reprise/Wea) and the track "When I Fall," which I love dearly. Right off the bat, the cymbals struck me as just a touch two-dimensional. They possessed plenty of detail and clarity, though they lacked that touch of air that would've otherwise brought out a greater sense of organic space and shimmer. This isn't wholly uncommon among budget components, especially AV receivers, which the UPA-700 competes against, but nevertheless, it's worth noting. Was it unbearable or worse? No, not at all, just an area in terms of performance where more power (and possibly money) may yield better results. Dynamics weren't quite as sharp as I've grown used to hearing, but for a sub-$500 amp, the slight omission isn't a deal-breaker here. Where the UPA-700 shined was in its ability to capture the essence of the performance and present it in a wholly convincing way.
Overall, with music, the UPA-700 proved to be an amp focused on the sum of its parts, rather than putting too much emphasis on one aspect of its performance versus another. It's not as if any of the musical tracks sounded bad (they didn't) or even wrong (they weren't), it's just that UPA-700's focus is clearly upon the overall picture, trying to put as much of it into focus for the listener as possible while keeping the omissions to a minimum so as not to detract. Tonally, some may believe the UPA-700 to skew ever so slightly lean, and on certain recordings, I may have to agree, but I'd hesitate to take the description a step further and call it forward or harsh, for it's neither of those things. UPA-700 definitely likes having a bit of pressure put on it in terms of volume to come alive, but even at above-average levels (peaks tickling 100dB), it doesn't lose its composure. You'll know when you've pushed it too hard, as its detail, mid-bass and bass definition will become less resolved and its top end will exhibit some sibilance at the extreme.
Moving onto movies, I cued up Moulin Rouge! on Blu-ray disc (20th Century Fox). I love this movie and use it regularly in my demos, as it is a treat for the senses. Despite only having 80 watts at its disposal, the UPA-700 proved quite capable of recreating true cinematic scale without distortion. Dialog, like the music vocals I had explored earlier, was rife with nuance and inflection and, despite stemming from a small two-way bookshelf speaker in the Intimus 5Bs, the actors' voices felt grounded and true to life in their scale. Dynamics improved with the addition of the lossless audio track, as did soundstage depth and width, though width was undoubtedly also assisted by the addition of surround channels. Speaking of surround channels, there was positively zero tonal difference between all five speakers, meaning the sound didn't change as more of the amp was called into service. Even when driven hard, the UPA-700 didn't break down and cry uncle. In fact, with multiple channels now being utilized, its prior omissions seemed to be lessened - imagine that. The quality of the source material obviously played a role, but it's nice to know that the UPA-700 will maintain its composure under pressure and under a multi-channel load.
I ended my evaluation of the UPA-700 with the recently re-released and re-mastered edition of Titanic on Blu-ray (20th Century Fox). Without wanting to be repetitive, I was again struck by the scale and grandeur the UPA-700 was capable of portraying, despite its "measly" 80 watts on tap. The sound was simply captivating and wholly enjoyable. Only when pushed (or punished) beyond comfortable limits was I able to get the UPA-700 to misbehave, at which point, it didn't completely fall apart but rather backed down.
I was continually amazed that, for an 80-watt, seven-channel amp, faced with putting forth convincing sound to match my 10-foot screen, the UPA-700 wasn't just adequate, it was exceptional. Personally, there were moments where I would've preferred more power, or at least could've pointed out areas where an extra fifty or even hundred watts would've been useful, but for the vast majority, especially those who would otherwise be shopping for an AV receiver, the UPA-700 is quite possibly all the amp they'll need. I'm just being honest. If products like Emotiva's own UMC-200 (and Outlaw Model 975) set the budget performance benchmark for AV preamps, then the UPA-700 reviewed here is the amplifier equivalent. Welcome to the jumping-off point. Does it get better? Sure, but for just under $500, the UPA-700 is mighty impressive.
The Downside
Finding downsides to amplifiers that simply perform as advertised and beyond is a bit like trying to find fault with a Victoria's Secret supermodel - you're just gonna look silly. About the only drawback that I see with the UPA-700 has to do with its power and whether or not it is ultimately enough for you, your system and your needs. That doesn't mean the UPA-700 is crap if you need more, it just means you need more, in which case, provided you wish to keep things in the Emotiva family, you'd be looking at either the XPA-5 ($899) or the XPR-5 ($1,999). Of course, neither of those options affords you seven channels, as the UPA-700 is the only seven-channel amp Emotiva offers at present, but you see my point.
I suppose I could complain about the garish blue lights, but they're defeatable, so that criticism is pretty much out. The binding posts and RCA inputs are a little cheap, but then again, the amp is priced under $500, so there are bound to be a few tradeoffs. I'm willing to endure cheap binding posts in exchange for better sound quality and I believe that is what Dan and his Emotiva team thought too when designing the UPA-700.
Competition and Comparisons
For better or worse, the only company that anyone seems to want to compare Emotiva to is Outlaw, for good reason. They're both Internet-direct competitors with arguably the same focus. Which company is better is a matter of personal taste. That said, the amp most like the UPA-700 would have to be Outlaw Audio's Model 7075, which packs seven channels of amplification, each rated at 75 watts into eight ohms and 115 watts into four, all for $699 direct. The Model 7075 does cost a bit more, but then again, it also has a few added perks, like more power into four ohms when compared to the UPA-700. Does that make the Model 7075 a better amplifier? That's up to you to decide. I've spent considerable time with it (7075) and have found it to be a phenomenal performer, not wholly unlike the UPA-700, though the two do sound different. The 7075 exhibits a bit more low-end control and emphasis, whereas the UPA-700 has a little more mid- and top-end energy. Neither is necessarily right nor wrong, just different, with both being worthy of your consideration.
Where I believe Outlaw succeeds or at least differentiates themselves from Emotiva is in their offering of a slightly more powerful, seven-channel amplifier in the form of the Model 7125. If either the Model 7075 or the UPA-700 proves not enough for your needs, then you'll have an easier time in my opinion, moving up-market in terms of power within the Outlaw lineup of products, as opposed to through Emotiva. Emotiva currently does not offer another seven-channel amplifier whereas Outlaw has five, with the Model 7125, the next model up from the Model 7075, retailing for $999. Again, to each his own, but the most logical competitor for Emotiva has to be Outlaw.
For more on these amplifiers, as well as others like them, please visit Home Theater Review's Multi-Channel Amplifier page.
As this is but my second go-round with Emotiva, my first being the UMC-200 AV preamp, I'm hesitant to heap praise upon the UPA-700 for fear of sounding like a broken record, except anything less would simply be dishonest. The truth is, I enjoyed the UPA-700 immensely, more than I thought I would, and I'm glad Dan sent me this rather than one of his larger, costlier amplifiers, for I had more fun and headshaking moments with the 700 on account of just how cheap it is. It, paired with a UMC-200, is one hell of a one-two-punch for those looking to build a system without going to debtor's prison to do it. It's incredible.
My reference AV receivers, in terms of performance, are NAD's T 757 ($1,599) and Sony's STR-DA5800ES ($2,000), both of which the UPA-700 easily matched and in some instances bested when paired with the UMC-200 at a far more advantageous price point. Not to mention you can grow into costlier gear with separates more easily than you can with AV receivers, even if those receivers have dedicated preamp outputs. Taking into account everything I've described and/or said above, and regardless of the brand, how can you not be anything but excited by the prospect of an amp such as the UPA-700? It's a beautiful thing.
Additional Resources
Read more multi-channel amp reviews by the writers of
Explore more reviews in our AV Preamp Review section.
Find Bookshelf Speakers and Floorstanding Speakers for the UPA-700 to drive.
2017-10-29 22:45:11
2013-07-16 21:00:16
What size room do you have? I'm thinking about getting one but the 80Watts is the thing I am concerned about..
2013-04-09 19:52:03
One thing that Emotiva always states is that their wattage rating is the bare minimum you can expect. It probably puts out more than advertised. Being able to handle 4ohm speakers without a sweat is also a bonus. (I own the UPA-500 and am very happy with it!) These things run cool, also.
2013-04-09 15:45:16
I have owned a UPA-5 and found it flawless but the economy requires find it a new home. Only $565+shipping. [email protected]
2013-04-08 15:47:02
The UPA-700 looks like a great amp but I've wondered why Emotiva got rid of the superior UPA 5 and UPA 7 amps? More power is always better.