Amplifier Reviews

Alongside the AV preamp or stereo preamp, an amplifier is the second piece of a separates-based audio system—it provides the power for your speakers.

Going the separates route is generally considered to be the higher-performance option, as opposed to using an all-in-one AV receiver, because the manufacturer can focus more on selecting just the right components and design elements for that device’s specific function. And you can focus on choosing the right amplifier technology (Class A, Class AB, Class D, etc.) and configuration (mono, stereo, five-channel, etc.) for your needs.

Learn more about amplifiers through the Resources below, then check out our review archive to read the latest amplifier reviews.

AV Receivers vs. AV Separates: Which Is Right for You?
• How to Pick the Right Amp for Your Speakers (or Vice Versa)
• What’s So Irresistible About a Single-Ended Triode (SET) Amp?
• Amplifier Types Explained from Electronic House

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