Published On: June 7, 2022

Focal Powered by Naim Stores Team with Qobuz for Demo Music

Published On: June 7, 2022
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Focal Powered by Naim Stores Team with Qobuz for Demo Music

Bespoke playlists of curated music will greet visitors for the in-store experience

Focal Powered by Naim Stores Team with Qobuz for Demo Music

  • I’m an AV enthusiast, equipment reviewer, photographer, videographer and drone pilot. I’m also a THX-trained video calibrator with extensive experience reviewing consumer displays including TVS, projectors, monitors and smartphones.

Focal Powered by Naim stores around the world will team up with streaming music provider Qobuz for the music used with in-store demos. The partnership will center around bespoke demo playlists. The process will involve collaboration between Focal, Naim, the store managers and Qobuz. The goal is to come up with personalized playlists of between 20 and 25 tracks for each retail space.

This partnership will initially roll out in a total of 14 stores. This includes locations in the following cities: Cannes, Lyon, Berlin, Houston, Adelaide, Perth, Sydney, and Melbourne. You'll notice that there are links attached to each city, you can click on each one and discover the playlist chosen for the store.

“This exclusive partnership with Focal & Naim will bring a unique listening experience, both in shops and at home. By creating these playlists, our editorial team is proving its savoir-faire in order to make high-quality sound accessible to the greatest number."

Marc Zisman, Head of Music at Qobuz

Fittingly, Focal Powered by Naim Cannes was one of the first stores to have a Cinema playlist, with 20 tracks. The Focal Powered by Naim playlist is a transcendent collection of 20 movie soundtracks, some of which have ended up winning the prestigious Palme d'Or. Chosen track include Herbie Hancock's groovy score for Blow-Up (1967, M. Antonioni), Kavinsky's Nightcall for Drive (2011, N. Winding Refn) and Bernard Herrmann's haunting score for Taxi Driver (1976, M. Scorsese).

More from the press release:

"With these Qobuz playlists, Focal and Naim are putting a unique stamp on their network. Already acclaimed for their stylish combination of design, vast product collections, exclusive finishes, listening rooms, headphone bars, now the Focal Powered by Naim stores are also getting their own personal and ever-changing musical flavor. Customers can listen to the songs in-store but can also find them on the brands’ various communication channels. What’s more, they will receive three months’ free membership to the platform."

  • gate io
    2023-02-03 20:27:24

    I really appreciated this! I remember a time when I was in my early 30’s that I had to wake up every day at 5:45am to go teach a class, and I actually felt better! When that class ended and my schedule changed, I went back to my night owl ways. Lately I’ve been naturally waking up earlier, not THAT early but when I heed that and get out of bed, I’m more productive and I am more peaceful, just like you wrote about. Coming across this article definitely feels like a nudge to make it a more disciplined part of my life. Especially now that I am making my writing a higher priority. 🙂Pretty good advice. I struggle with this a lot, especially Imposter Syndrome. Not just in my writing, but in almost all aspects of life. But yeah, thanks for posting this.

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