Published On: August 1, 2023

From Luxury to Mainstream: MicroLED TVs Set to Become More Affordable

Published On: August 1, 2023
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From Luxury to Mainstream: MicroLED TVs Set to Become More Affordable

Analysts predict significant price reductions for MicroLED Technology, but it won't happen overnight.

From Luxury to Mainstream: MicroLED TVs Set to Become More Affordable

  • With over 9 years of experience in journalism, Nemanja Grbic is a reputable news press release writer and journalist in the home theater industry. His sharp journalistic acumen delivers accurate and engaging news, featured in prominent AV publications.

MicroLED technology has long been hailed as the future of display technology, offering unparalleled image quality and overcoming the drawbacks of other self-emitting display technologies like OLED. However, one major obstacle has hindered its widespread adoption: exorbitant prices. The good news is that industry analysts project a significant drop in MicroLED panel prices, making this technology more accessible to consumers in the coming years.

According to a recent report by research firm Omdia, the cost of mid-sized MicroLED display panels, ranging from 10.1 to 14.6 inches, currently stands between $5,800 and $10,000 per unit. These prices have been a deterrent for most consumers, limiting the market to early adopters and high-end applications. However, based on current trends, Omdia predicts that the prices of these mid-sized panels could plummet to a mere fraction of their current levels by 2027.

The report suggests that by 2027, a 10.1-inch MicroLED panel could cost as little as $1,277, a dramatic reduction from the current price. Likewise, a 12.1-inch panel might be priced at around $1,800, and a 14.6-inch panel could become available for approximately $2,400. This price adjustment, while still somewhat higher than OLED displays, could stimulate demand for MicroLED in niche applications, such as in-vehicle infotainment systems in luxury cars and high-performance laptops.

The drop in prices is expected to be a result of increased investments in production by manufacturers, driven by the rising demand for premium displays. As companies scale up production and achieve economies of scale, the cost of manufacturing MicroLED panels is likely to decrease significantly. However, it should be noted that larger panels, required for massive TVs, might still remain relatively expensive, which could limit their widespread adoption.

Despite the promising outlook for MicroLED technology, it's essential to keep in mind that affordability won't happen overnight. Like any emerging technology, it takes time for manufacturing processes to improve, yields to become acceptable, and economies of scale to take effect. A similar trajectory was observed with OLED displays, which took around a decade to become the dominant display technology and reach more affordable price points.

The potential of MicroLED technology is undeniably impressive. MicroLED panels offer peak brightness comparable to or even greater than MiniLED displays, which are known for their brightness. Additionally, they are more power-efficient than MiniLED displays, making them appealing to environmentally conscious consumers.

One of the most significant advantages of MicroLED technology is its resistance to display degradation. Unlike OLED displays, which may experience burn-in issues over time, MicroLED panels do not suffer from this problem. This feature makes them highly desirable for applications that require long-term, consistent performance.

While companies worldwide are actively working on MicroLED development, Taiwanese companies, including Innolux, AU Optronics, and Netronix, have made significant strides in this area. Their proactive approach and lack of OLED technology expertise have motivated them to seek new market opportunities and address the premium market segment.

As the industry progresses and costs continue to decrease, the dream of owning an affordable MicroLED TV might not be too far-fetched. In the coming years, consumers can expect to see more options in the market and an increasing number of MicroLED displays making their way into various devices and applications, potentially revolutionizing the way we experience visual content.

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