Published On: January 2, 2014

Gik Introduces Bass-Trapping FlexRange Tech

Published On: January 2, 2014
Last Updated on: October 31, 2020
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Gik Introduces Bass-Trapping FlexRange Tech

Gik Acoustics is introducing a new bass-trapping technology called FlexRange. This patent-pending tech allows the user to choose which frequency range is being abosorbed via a membrane system. The user can alter the system depending on which frequencies they want...

Gik Introduces Bass-Trapping FlexRange Tech

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Gik Acoustics is introducing a new bass-trapping technology called FlexRange. This patent-pending tech allows the user to choose which frequency range is being abosorbed via a membrane system. The user can alter the system depending on which frequencies they want to focus on absorbing, lower or higher.

From Gik

Pioneering the next generation of bass traps and acoustic treatments, GIK Acoustics introduces patent pending FlexRange Technology which provides the best in bass trapping and low end absorption.

Backed by research, development and testing, FlexRange Technology encompasses our proprietary bass trap design while offering customers a true choice to control the frequency range that's absorbed. Without a membrane, bass traps are broadband. With a membrane, bass traps absorb even lower frequencies while the membrane has less effect absorbing upper frequencies.

?FULL RANGE - The Full Range option is broadband in nature maximizing low end and upper frequencies to give a true broadband range of absorption. Full Range is an excellent option at controlling low end frequencies and is the preferred choice for early reflection points or when upper frequencies need 100% absorption.

RANGE LIMITER - The second option has a built-in frequency range limiter. This option includes a membrane system which improves lower frequency absorption - up to 50% more low end (below 60Hz) - while retaining 75% more high end (from 400Hz and above). Ideally used when no upper frequency absorption is required/desired. The Range Limiter option is an ideal solution to make a small room sound larger, keeping life within the room.

Company founder and president, Glenn Kuras says, ""I have been working on and perfecting this design for over a year and am so proud to incorporate FlexRange Technology in our product line. The patent pending design truly sets GIK Acoustics apart from the competition and defines the standards we set for ourselves."

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