HomeTheaterReview.com Changes Include:
Long-time HTR Managing Editor, Adrienne Maxwell, is leaving for a full-time position at Wirecutter.com as of May 15, 2018.
Dennis Burger will take a new role as Senior Editor at HomeTheaterReview.com which will include directly working with the HTR editorial staff, reviewing more equipment, expanding HTR's speaker measurement program beyond CEA 2010, and more.
HomeTheaterReview.com Publisher, Jerry Del Colliano, will take over as Managing Editor; thus, he will be in charge of all future reviews, managing the growing staff of reviewers, and procuring the products that they will evaluate from May 2018 going forward.
HTR welcomes back former Managing Editor, calibrator, and filmmaker, Andrew Robinson, to review mainly video products.
HTR is adding Michael Hamilton to the staff. Michael is an ISF video instructor who will focus mainly on reviewing projectors and screens.
New voices will be heard in HomeTheaterReview.com's featured news section from the likes of veteran CE and entertainment writer, Jonathan Takkif, former Audio Engineering Society President, Garry Margolis, and others.
"We wish Adrienne the best as she endeavors upon a new opportunity with Wirecutter.com" says HomeTheaterReview.com publisher, Jerry Del Colliano. "HomeTheaterReview.com is doubling-down on its commitment to the best and the largest volume of specialty audio-video content found in any media today. Our publications deliver meaningful insight and experience that will attract the next generation of electronics buyers," says Del Colliano.