Over the weekend, CEPro's Julie Jacobson reported that Kaleidescape, maker of high-end media servers and streamers, will close its doors. The article, which you can read in its entirely here, includes an interview with Kaleidescape CEO Cheena Srinivasan, who confired the closure and explained that, although Kaleidescape "came close" to finding a buyer, the company was ultimately unable to finalize a deal.
For many years, Kaleidescape was engaged in an expensive legal battle over its DVD-ripping servers and multiroom playback devices. Ultimately, the company settled that dispute and moved forward with an eye on digital downloads--in the form of its Kaleidescape Store, which was the only download store to offer bit-for-bit HD and UHD movie downloads.
Things looked promising, as the company rolled out its new 4K product line at last year's CEDIA Expo and inked deals with many major movie studios to add content to the store. However, the Kaleidescape equipment was still targeted at the highest end of the market, prohibitively expensive for most consumers.
Eventually the money just ran out, and now Kaleidscape will sadly close its doors.
Additional Resources
• Kaleidescape Adds Fox Titles to Movie Store at HomeTheaterReview.com.
• Kaleidescape Announces 4K Strato Movie Player at HomeTheaterReview.com.