Published On: July 19, 2012

Klipsch Joins Forces with OpSec Security to Combat Counterfeiting

Published On: July 19, 2012
Last Updated on: October 31, 2020
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Klipsch Joins Forces with OpSec Security to Combat Counterfeiting

To combat counterfeiting of the company's products, Klipsch has brought out what appear to be the big guns with OpSec Security, which plans a serious crackdown with interesting methods.

Klipsch Joins Forces with OpSec Security to Combat Counterfeiting

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OpSec_Security_logo.jpgOpSec Security, Inc., a leader in anti-counterfeiting and brand protection, just announced that it was selected by Klipsch Group to implement an authentication program that will protect its products from increasing threats of counterfeiting. The program will include a holographic label with targeted security features, allowing investigators, retailers and consumers to verify the authenticity of Klipsch branded goods.

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• Read more industry trade news from
• Explore headphones in our Headphone Review section.
• Learn more about Klipsch's past action against counterfeiters.

"Promoting transparency and openness between our customers has been a priority for Klipsch since our founding. OpSec's authentication program will not only allow us to protect our products with a device that is designed to enhance our brand image, it will also provide our customers the peace of mind that they are purchasing truly legitimate Klipsch products," said Mike Klipsch, president of global operations for Klipsch. "We selected OpSec Security for its extensive industry knowledge, experience and superior technology with enhanced security features that will help us stop counterfeiters before they target our loyal customers."

Klipsch delivers audio solutions spanning a wide variety of categories. The growing popularity of its personal audio products, particularly headphones, has given rise to counterfeits and heightened the need for a solution that protects the brand and consumers from unknowingly purchasing fakes. OpSec Security delivers physical product authentication devices to protect millions of dollars worth of genuine goods for leading brands worldwide. OpSec's brand protection solutions draw upon the industry's most comprehensive portfolio of product authentication technologies and delivery platforms, providing cost-effective and highly secure product authentication solutions that protect against counterfeiting, tampering or diversion.

"With consumer electronics representing 22 percent of the counterfeit goods seized by ICE in 2011 alone, Klipsch is setting an important example as a leading organization aiming to protect their customers from purchasing illicit, and potentially harmful, products. From educating consumers on the potential dangers of counterfeiting to pursuing legal action against known offenders, Klipsch is now taking their authentication program to the next level with the implementation of our holographic label," said Tom Taylor, president of brand protection for OpSec Security. "We are honored to partner with Klipsch to deliver a proven authentication solution and join them in the fight against counterfeiting."

Additional Resources
• Read more industry trade news from
• Explore headphones in our Headphone Review section.
• Learn more about Klipsch's past action against counterfeiters.

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