Published On: February 25, 2009

Koetsu Introduces Vacuum Tube Power Amplifiers by VEXO Audio

Published On: February 25, 2009
Last Updated on: October 31, 2020
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Koetsu Introduces Vacuum Tube Power Amplifiers by VEXO Audio

The importer of the famed Koetsu Japanese cartridge is out with one stunning looking tube power amp under a new brand called VEXO audio. Talk about audio jewelry - this CX-PP push pull amp is something to truly behold

Koetsu Introduces Vacuum Tube Power Amplifiers by VEXO Audio

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Koetsu_Amp.gifKoetsu USA, the U.S. distribution arm of the world-renowned Japanese cartridge manufacturer, introduces into the U.S. market the VX PP-KT88/C Push-Pull Stereo Power Amplifier and the VX SE-KT88/C Single-Ended Stereo Power Amplifier this January.
VEXO produces superb vacuum tube amplifiers and preamplifiers characterized by refined, exclusive designs, and exceptional build quality and performance. Its products employ the best valves on the market -- by Svetlana, Tesla JJ, National and Electro-Harmonix, among others -- guaranteeing reliability and the reproduction of audio at well-defined sound levels with crystal-clear fidelity, high dynamics and a wealth of micro-details. VEXO designs generate a wide, structured, realistic image with the emotional impact of a live rock concert or a symphony orchestra.
VEXO's VX PP-KT88/C Push-Pull Stereo Power Amplifier drives 45 Watts for each of two channels, while the VX SE-KT88/C Single-Ended Push-Pull Stereo Power Amplifier drives 15 Watts/channel. Designed with Class A single-ended, ultra-linear configurations, both amplifiers use transformers with grain-oriented cores and multilayer windings for the output stage. FIXED BIAS polarization supplies a negative voltage to the control grid, allowing the accurate, independent adjustment of every valve's bias current to set the best operating point. A BIAS BOARD on each amplifier's rear panel makes it easy to conduct control and adjustments without disconnecting or moving the equipment.
Each amplifier's power section includes one very low-leakage flux toroidal transformer and self-standing LRC filters for the left/right channels. The amplifiers' unusually strong frame is the result of a harmonious blend of advanced production processes, such as laser-cut metal sheets with a minimum thickness of 15/10, and traditional processes, such as manually finishing stainless steel elements to a mirror-like sheen. Sturdy support bases incorporate anti-vibration elements to minimize disturbances, and a removable matte-black safety guard. A pair of ALPS, blue series L/R potentiometers on the front of each model allows simultaneous control of the volume and the balancing. The combination of the potentiometers and a CD/TUNER/AUX input selector make the each amplifier a complete component, with no need for accessories.
VEXO's additional vacuum tube components include the VX PP-EL34/C, VX PP-KT88 and VX PP-EL34 Push-Pull Stereo Power Amplifiers, the VXS40 Power Amplifier, the VX PRA01 Class A Stereo Preamplifier and the VX PL-PS Preamplifier.
The VX PP-KT88/C Push-Pull Stereo Power Amplifier and V SE-KT88/C are available now for suggested prices of $3,740 and $2,440, respectively. The other VEXO products are available for the following prices:
VXPP-EL34/C $3,340 VX PP-KT88 $3,450 VX S40 $29,000
VX PL-PS $6,900

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