Published On: January 23, 2014

Korg Readies Two New DACs

Published On: January 23, 2014
Last Updated on: October 31, 2020
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Korg Readies Two New DACs

Korg has two new DACs on deck. Both the DS-DAC-100 and the DS-DAC-100m have 1/4" outputs, but the DS-DAC-100 also has XLR and RCA connections, for those looking who need more options. Both models will debut in March. From engadget...

Korg Readies Two New DACs

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Korg_DS-DAC-100_100m_CES14.jpgKorg has two new DACs on deck. Both the DS-DAC-100 and the DS-DAC-100m have 1/4" outputs, but the DS-DAC-100 also has XLR and RCA connections, for those looking who need more options. Both models will debut in March.

From engadget

Most of what we tend to see from Korg involves the creation of new sounds, but the firm's just announced its new AudioGate USB DAC that promises to improve the audio files you already have. There's a choice of two hardware interfaces depending on your budget/requirements -- the DS-DAC-100 and the DS-DAC-100m. Both sport quarter-inch stereo outputs, while the DS-DAC-100 (the one without the "m") also comes with XLR and RCA connections. The main selling point being that Mac and Windows users can use the interfaces in conjunction with Korg's AudioGate 3 software to output sound in DSD with a sample rate of upto 5.6MHz. Fancy some of that? Then you only have to wait until March, when both models will be available for either $600 or $350 depending on your connectivity requirements.

Additional Resources

  • Read all about DACs here at
  • Read the Meridian Explorer review USB DAC at
  • Read more reviews of high end DACs in the Archives

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