Published On: August 25, 2015

LCD TV Shipments Are Up, Aided by New UHD TVs

Published On: August 25, 2015
Last Updated on: October 31, 2020
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LCD TV Shipments Are Up, Aided by New UHD TVs

TWICE is reporting that U.S. LCD TV shipments rose seven percent in the second quarter, compared with Q2 of 2014. Report data from Quixel Research found that UHD TVs accounted for 14 percent of those shipments, up from just two...

LCD TV Shipments Are Up, Aided by New UHD TVs

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Panasonic-TC-60CX800U-thumb.jpgTWICE is reporting that U.S. LCD TV shipments rose seven percent in the second quarter, compared with Q2 of 2014. Report data from Quixel Research found that UHD TVs accounted for 14 percent of those shipments, up from just two percent in 2014. The number of 1080p TVs shipped fell from 73 percent in 2014 to 57 percent in 2015.

LCD TV shipments rose in the U.S. by 7 percent in the second quarter compared to a year ago, thanks to an influx of new Ultra HD 4K TVs, Gap Intelligence says. The TVs not only got sharper, but they got smarter, the company added.

In a Quixel Research report, Gap found that U.S. LCD TV shipments grew 7 percent in the second quarter to 7 million compared to a year ago, with UHD TVs accounting for 14 percent of shipments, up from the year-ago 2 percent. FullHD share fell to 57 percent from 73 percent, while the share of 720p TVs grew to 29 percent from 25 percent.

"The UHD TV segment continued its rise during the spring refresh of Q2," said Gap senior analyst Deirdre Kennedy. The gain came at the expense of Full HD 1080p TVs "as the high-value-added full HD models are replaced by 4K TVs within manufacturers' lineups."

Also in the second quarter, smart TVs accounted for a record high of 59 percent of shipments, and the company forecasts that smart TV share will hit 57 percent in the full year, marking the first time that smart TVs account for a majority of unit shipments. The percentage will creep up three to four percentage points per year until it hits 76 percent in 2019.

To read the complete TWICE article, click here.

Additional Resources
LG to Expand OLED 4K TV Lineup at
Westinghouse Introduces Smart 4K UHD TVs at

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