Exceptional Innovations, the parent company behind media center and home automation brand Life-ware, just completed a massive project at Disneyland in Anaheim, California to update the "House of Tomorrow" to the Innoventions Dream Home exhibit. Gone are the dated robots and in are the fictional "Elias" family who life the lifestyle you and I only dream of in terms of technology and luxury. Also included in the exhibit is one bad-ass home theater complete with a Christy Digital projector and a large (somewhat commercial-looking screen) and a full Tanoy speaker system. Powering the installation is Life-ware's media center PCs, servers and just about every home automation trick you can imagine. Seen at CEDIA shows in the past using their own mobile house (this ain't no double wide - it's an entire house they bring to trade shows) Life-ware's home automation using a Microsoft platform is surprisingly stable and amazingly flexible. Shades, lights, Internet access, HVAC, security - no problem. We've tried to break it - and we are good at breaking things - and we couldn't.
With gas prices soaring near $5.00 per gallon in California - attendance is booming at Orange County's Disneyland. People are looking at the disgustingly high cost to fly to a destination vacation and opting to stay local for some family fun. At Disneyland, the gadget-loving family can now get a real treat thanks to the work Life-ware did on the "Home of the Future".