Published On: October 12, 2018

Matthew Partrick's Associated Equipment

Published On: October 12, 2018
Last Updated on: October 31, 2020
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Matthew Partrick's Associated Equipment

Matthew Partrick is an anesthesiologist in Florida by day. He is an audiophile, musician, dive enthusiast and guitar collector in his spare time. Dr. Partrick writes both audiophile equipment reviews for as well as audiophile and music oriented blog...

Matthew Partrick's Associated Equipment

  • The staff at is comprised of experts who are dedicated to helping you make better informed buying decisions.

Matthew-Patrick.pngMatthew Partrick is an anesthesiologist in Florida by day. He is an audiophile, musician, dive enthusiast and guitar collector in his spare time.

Dr. Partrick writes both audiophile equipment reviews for as well as audiophile and music oriented blog posts for

Reference Audiophile System:
Vinnie Rossi LIO modular system with: DHT PRE (directly heated triode preamp currently with Svetlana 811-10 triodes)
DAC 2.0 (Dual AKM AK44497EQ chips per channel PCM 768 DSD 12, FPGA Femto-clock)
Phonostage with remote cartridge loading
Vinnie Rossi VR120 ultracap Amp, Class B MOSFET with 120 watts/chan @ 8 ohm.
Joseph Audio Perspective speakers
Acoustic Signature Wow XXL turntable with Hana Shibata SH moving coil cartridge
Digital source: Roon 1.5 running on Roon Nucleus with Synology NAS
Bryston BDP-3 digital audio player
Raspberry Pi 3 with Hifiberry digi+ Roon digital streamer
Audioquest Cinnamon digital signal interconnects
Cardas Speaker Wire

Headphones and Assc. Gear
Oppo PM-3 closed back Planar Magnetics
MrSpeakers Ether Flow open back Planar Magnetics
MrSpeakers Aeon Flow closed back Planar Magnetics
Sennheiser HD700 open back dynamic drivers
Audioquest Dragonfly Red
Schiit Audio Jotunheim Multibit DAC/ HPA
Bryston BDP-Pi streamer
Onkyo DP-X1 digital audio player
Cayin N5ii DAP

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