Published On: November 19, 2014

Musaic to Introduce Multiroom Wireless HiFi System at 2015 CES

Published On: November 19, 2014
Last Updated on: October 31, 2020
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Musaic to Introduce Multiroom Wireless HiFi System at 2015 CES

Startup company Musaic has announced preliminary details on its line of multiroom music players, including the MP5 and MP10 shown here, which will officially launch at the 2015 CES and recently earned a 2015 CES Innovation Award. In addition to...

Musaic to Introduce Multiroom Wireless HiFi System at 2015 CES

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Musaic-hiFi-system.jpgStartup company Musaic has announced preliminary details on its line of multiroom music players, including the MP5 and MP10 shown here, which will officially launch at the 2015 CES and recently earned a 2015 CES Innovation Award. In addition to its ability to stream music to multiple zone players around the house, the Musaic system also integrates smart home functions and is an Internet of Things device that can provide status updates on connected home devices.

From Musaic
Wireless HiFi startup Musaic has announced that it has been named a 2015 CES Innovation Awards Honoree in the Home Audio/Video Components and Accessories category. Musaic's multiroom wireless HiFi system is the first to offer high-quality audio playback, as well as smart home functionality. The prestigious awards honour outstanding design and engineering in cutting-edge consumer electronics products coming to market. Musaic is set to launch its new wireless HiFi system at the 2015 International CES in January.

Musaic is a new multiroom wireless HiFi system made up of speakers that are placed around the home, allowing consumers to listen to different music in different rooms, or the same music in every room, in perfect unison. Musaic is compatible with almost any device, with free apps for Apple and Android phones and tablets, Macs and PCs. It works with both WiFi and Bluetooth and can play almost any file type including 24-bit Studio Master files. Built-in internet radio provides access to more than 15,000 stations, and presets can be recalled from the app and touch buttons on the speakers.

Compatibility with streaming services
Musaic utilizes some of the most cutting-edge technology available, including Qualcomm AllPlay, a smart media platform that allows Musaic to work natively with compatible streaming service apps. This means consumers can use the familiar interface of their favourite app and stream content directly to the Musaic wireless HiFi system at the touch of a button.

Smart home connectivity
The first smart HiFi, Musaic also offers home automation features. Uniquely, Musaic can integrate with lighting and home automation, allowing users to create a fully connected smart home. The Musaic Music Players are even Internet of Things (IoT) devices, enabling connection with a wide range of hub-based and hub-less home automation products. Users can set up rule-based 'if this then that' home automation--for example, a plant-pot sensor can tell Musaic that the soil is dry, so the Musaic system will play the message 'your plant is thirsty' at breakfast time. A sensor on your mother's front door can tell Musaic the door hasn't been opened in two days, and Musaic will play a message saying 'phone your mom'.

Musaic is also a founding member of the AllSeen Alliance, a nonprofit open source consortium dedicated to driving the widespread adoption of products, systems and services that support the Internet of Everything with an open, universal development framework. This will allow Musaic products to communicate with other products around the home, from a wide range of partner manufacturers.

Musaic at the 2015 International CES
Musaic's wireless HiFi system will be displayed at the 2015 International CES at booth #75017 in Eureka Park, the dedicated area for tech start-ups in CES Tech West at the Sands Expo in Las Vegas.

Additional Resources
• View other recently announced 2015 CES Innovation Award honorees here.

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