Published On: April 5, 2009

NAD Launches Top-of-the-Line CD Player With Upsampling For $799

Published On: April 5, 2009
Last Updated on: October 31, 2020
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NAD Launches Top-of-the-Line CD Player With Upsampling For $799

The C 565BEE CD player is NAD Electronic's latest offering. The C 565BEE has the ability to up-sample and compares favorably in terms of both its looks and abilities with previous premium products from this well-respected firm.

NAD Launches Top-of-the-Line CD Player With Upsampling For $799

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NAD Electronics just introduced the C 565BEE CD Player, the flagship of NAD's Classic Series components. The C 565BEE applies the latest in semiconductor design, refined cosmetics and quality construction to achieve breakthrough performance close to NAD's top-of-the-line Masters Series M5 CD Player at a cost approximately half as much.

The C 565BEE boasts sample rate conversion up to 192kHz, Wolfson DACs in a dual differential configuration, Burr-Brown OP Amps, a heavy steel chassis, USB 2.0 and optical inputs, and a 12-volt trigger and RS232 port. It decodes MP3 and WMA-format music files via CD-R and draws less than 1 Watt in standby mode.

Chief among its features is a Sample Rate Conversion circuit that bumps the usual, and relatively low, 44.1kHz sampling frequency up to 96kHz and even 192kHz. The higher sampling rate allows NAD to take advantage of the latest state-of-the-art digital to analog converter (DAC) from Wolfson Microelectronics, which offers 24-bit resolution and a sampling rate up to 192kHz.

The C 565BEE also uses ultra-clean multiple regulated power supplies to feed its varied circuits and mechanical parts. Careful circuit layouts, short signal paths, and rigorous attention to detail further maximize performance. Because the Sample Rate Converter pushes the sampling frequency very high, NAD uses a better sounding digital filter that has a user-selectable roll off slope to allow fine tuning by ear.

NAD also uses the best quality FET audio OpAmps, selected for their wide bandwidth and low noise. They're able to deliver ample current with a very low source impedance, making the C 565BEE less sensitive to cable capacitance.

A USB port on the front panel allows MP3 and WMA music files from a USB flash drive to be played back using the superior performance capability of the
C 565BEE. Source inputs are easily selectable from either the front panel or the supplied IR remote. CD Text and Metadata from MP3 files are displayed on a two-line display on the front panel along with time, track, and other program data. A rotary knob on the front panel makes it faster and easier to browse large collections of music files. Dealers report the C 565BEE is very intuitive to operate.

The C 565BEE CD Player is available now for a suggested price of $799 (U.S. MSRP).

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