Mohu has launched of Curve 30 and Curve 50, a new class of indoor HDTV antennas that features a new industrial design. According to the company, Mohu engineers are trying to ignite a new generation of antenna design that brings a touch of sophistication to a home or apartment. Curve's arched profile is designed for consumers who want access to free HDTV, but also desire a modern look.
Additional Resources
• Read related stories in our Satellite Receiver and HD DVR News section.
• See a review of the Mohu Indoor HDTV antenna.
Made to be a simple plug-in-and-go experience, Curve provides consumers with free access to over-the-air TV broadcast channels in full 1080 HDTV. The antenna is currently available in two versions. Curve 30 is intended for urban dwellers or consumers who live in closer proximity to a broadcast tower - within 30 miles. The new Curve 50 is for users in more remote locations - up to 50 miles from a tower.
Consumers interested in getting free broadcast TV can use the Mohu TV-For-Free web tool to discover what free channels may be available in their area, and select the right antenna that best fits their wants, needs and budget.
Curve 30 and 50 are available for purchase online at
Additional Resources
• Read related stories in our Satellite Receiver and HD DVR News section.
• See a review of the Mohu Indoor HDTV antenna.