Green Home Theater News

Using less power is en vogue in all parts of the country and the world of home theater and audiophile products is no exception. Today's uber-thin HDTVs use many times less power than plasma HDTVs from just a few years ago. Audiophile Class-D switching amps (known as digital amps) use far less power than Class-A audiophile amps from the past. Single ended triode (SET) audiophile electronics are also easy on the power. Lighting control systems help curb the use of AC power in modern home theater media rooms. If you are looking for creative ideas and products to help save power, use less harmful materials and be more kind to the environment - you have come to the right news archive on

  • How Recycling AV Gear Might Find The Next Big Market of New Customers

    Eventually, all audio/video products must be replaced. However, there may be an opportunity available in disposing of these older products that helps grow the industry and the hobby.

  • Elan Helps Harness Clean Energy of the Sun

    Elan has brought the company's g! entertainment and control system to a Dallas homeowner's home in order to control and manage a massive green energy system, as well as...

  • CEA Able to Recycle 75 Percent of Materials from 2012 CES

    The Consumer Electronics Association goes all out every year when they hold the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. For the 2012 CES, the organization decided to take...

  • How To Avoid Being Torched By Eco-Mode On Your New HDTV

    Consumers are being shafted in a way they may not even be aware of when it comes to their HDTV's picture quality. These simple steps will help ensure...

  • Panasonic Eco Ad Campaign Launches in North America

    In a plan to remain socially and environmentally conscious, Panasonic has begun launching an advertising campaign that will promote eco friendly actions and technology through the Panasonic brand.

  • America's Greenest Home Controlled by ELAN

    ELAN system controls have been installed in The "Power Haus" in Sarasota, Florida, which happens to be the most environmentally friendly - aka Green - house in the United...

  • Stewart Filmscreen Earns GREENGUARD Certification For Screens, Materials and More

    Stewart Filmscreen is keeping the environment in mind, so much so that GREENGUARD has granted their products certification for use around children and in schools.

  • Krell's New Evolution Amps Save Power In Standby Yet Improve on Audiophile Performance

    The new Krell Evolution e series has been designed to cut down on power consumption while in standby mode amongst other new features. This includes power amps, preamps and...

  • New Aria Resort at Las Vegas' City Center Wired With Control4 Automation Products

    Control4 automation has been integrated into the Aria Resort in Las Vegas. Not only does this allow in-depth system control, it allows control of energy usage.

  • CEA's Tips On Recycling AV Gear

    Recycling old electronics is an important part of the upgrade process, but one few people practice. Just throwing electronics out is not good enough. CEA gives helpful...

  • California Passes Anti-Flat-HDTV Legislation To Try To Save Energy

    Is California's current attempt to regulate the sale of power-hungry TVs really the best approach to achieving a greener A/V industry? Does it spell demise for plasma technology? Jerry...

  • Control4 Riased $17.3m To Fund SmartGrid Products

    Control4 has taken an initiative to create products that will provide more energy efficiency through energy management by raising a large amount of funds through equity financing, finding many...

  • Lutron Sponsors Green Life Smart Life Program

    Green Life Smart Life, a house built to showcase green technology, has chosen Lutron to be the house's lighting control. The initiative decided upon Lutron for many features...

  • Solutions For Recycling Your Televisions As You "Transition" To A New HDTV

    With the transition from analog to digital and CRT televisions to flat panel, older models need to be disposed of. Home Theater Review offers some help.

  • 3M's New Vikuiti Film Aims To Help Save Power For Flat HDTVs By Up To 30 Percent

    3M has created a new film for monitors that is designed to regulate light management, which in turn helps energy efficiency, amongst other benefits.

  • Samsung Introduces 1.1 Inch Thick Energy Efficient 50-inch Plasma

    Samsung has promised to make a 50-inch plasma that is barely over an inch thick, which is far thinner than plasmas normally are, as well as greatly reducing the...

  • Radio Shack Earns New Sales With Green Trade-in Program

    To keep up with the standards of the modern consumer, Radio Shack has decided to create a more green-minded offering with a trade-in program for consumer electronics, with varying...

  • Energy Efficiency Programs Can Realistically Reduce Growth in Electricity Consumption by 22%, According to EPRI

    According to the EPRI, energy efficiency programs in the United States could be implemented to to reduce consumption of electricity by 22 percent if certain barriers can be overcome.

  • Hollywood Sets New Trend: Recycle Your Home Theater (LA Style)

    West Los Angeles has begun a new initiative in trying to live an uber-healty lifestyle: the recycling of old electronics in an easy way for consumers to adhere to...

  • California Reportedly Set To Regulate Power Usage of Flat HDTVs

    California has decided that Energy Star certification isn't enough to regulate power consumption for televisions, so the state plans to outlaw television sets that consume more than a state...

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