Satellite Receiver + HD DVR News

Everyone with an HDTV has some form of satellite receiver or digital cable box. You need it to not just watch HDTV shows but to record them as well. Many of the latest DVRs or PVRs come with either streaming movie services and or pay-per-view capabilities. If you are keeping up with the world of home theater and high performance AV and you subscribe to services from the likes of DirecTV, Dish Network, Comcast, Time Warner, COX and or any number of other players in the game - this is a DVR/TiVo/PVR news resource for you.

  • Before You Cut the Cord, Pick Up the Phone

    It's easy to understand why people "cut the cord" on their cable or satellite TV bill these days. I just learned that you can actually walk into a Volkswagen...

  • AirTV Adds DVR Function for Local Channels

    AirTV has announced the addition of DVR functionality for local channels, currently rolling out as a free open beta test. The AirTV player, which we recently reviewed, is a...

  • Nuvyyo Adds Advanced Recording Features to Tablo DVRs

    Back in August, we reviewed the Tablo DUAL over-the-air HD DVR system from Nuvyyo, which lets you stream live and recorded TV content to mobile devices and most streaming...

  • Is Cord Cutting Really Killing Traditional Pay TV?

    There's no doubt that cord cutting has gained steam over the past few years, but is it really a serious threat to the cable and satellite providers? Jeff Berman...

  • Nuvyyo Introduces Tablo DUAL Two-Tuner Over-the-Air DVR

    Nuvyyo has introduced a new version of its Tablo over-the-air DVR. The new Tablo DUAL is a two-tuner DVR that adds 64 GB of onboard storage, so you do...

  • Alexa Support Now Available on DISH Network DVRs

    Back at CES in January, DISH Network announced plans to add Alexa support to its Hopper DVR line. Now that plan has come to fruition. DISH customers who own...

  • AT&T/DirecTV to Phase Out Satellite TV Service, Reports Say

    Bloomberg is reporting that AT&T hopes to phase out DirecTV's satellite TV service in three to five years, to be replaced by the company's DirecTV Now online TV service....

  • TiVo Introduces BOLT+ 4K DVR with More Tuners and Storage

    TiVo's recent acquisition by Rovi has not stopped the company from introducing a new set-top box at this week's CEDIA Expo in Dallas. Like the original BOLT that was...

  • DISH Network Launches New "Skinny" Channel Bundle

    DISH Network has introduced the Flex Pack skinny channel bundle. For $39.99 per month, customers get more than 50 channels that include AMC, TNT, USA, HGTV, E!, Cartoon Network,...

  • TiVo to Stop Making Set-Top Box Hardware, Report Says

    Light Reading is reporting that TiVo is likely to exit the retail set-top box hardware business after the acquisition by Rovi is complete. We reported last month that Rovi...

  • DISH Network's HopperGO Now Available to Customers

    DISH Network's HopperGO, first announced at CES 2016, is now available to DISH customers for $99. The pocket-sized, 64GB HopperGO allows you to store up to 100 hours of...

  • DISH Adds Ultra HD Version of Netflix to Hopper 3

    DISH Network has added the Ultra HD version of Netflix to its new 4K-friendly Hopper 3 DVR. The standard version of Netflix has been available on the Hopper 3...

  • Rovi to Buy TiVo, Reports Say

    FierceCable is reporting, based on a New York Times article, that TiVo and Rovi are negotiating to merge. Rovi, which is known primarily for its interactive content-management user interfaces...

  • Sports Bar Mode Now Active on DISH's Hopper 3

    To coincide with the first week of the NCAA March Madness basketball tournament, DISH Network rolled out its Sports Bar Mode feature, which allows you to watch four different...

  • AT&T to Phase Out U-verse in Favor of DirecTV

    Bloomberg is reporting that AT&T is phasing out its U-verse DSL-based TV/Internet service, instead directing all new customers toward its recently acquired DirecTV service. Current U-verse customers can retain...

  • DISH Network Introduces 4K-Friendly Hopper 3 DVR

    DISH Network has provided details on its new Hopper 3 DVR, which should be available to DISH customers in early 2016. The Hopper 3 supports 4K content, in the...

  • Verizon Adds DVR Anywhere Feature for FiOS Customers

    Multichannel News is reporting, through other sources, that Verizon is rolling out a DVR Anywhere feature for FiOS customers. This feature will allow subscribers to access their DVR recordings...

  • Comcast to Release HDR-Capable Set-Top Box in 2016

    FierceCable is reporting that Comcast will launch an HDR-capable 4K set-top box in 2016. Comcast had previously announced plans to introduce its first 4K-capable set-top box, which is scheduled...

  • TiVo Announces 4K-Friendly Bolt

    TiVo has announced a new DVR and streaming media player called the Bolt, which is available with a 500GB ($299.99) or 1TB ($399.99) hard drive. The Bolt is TiVo's...

  • DirecTV Expands 4K Capability with First 4K Set-Top Box

    DirecTV has announced the introduction of the 4K Genie Mini set-top box, allowing customers who also own an HDMI 2.0-compliant UHD TV to access DirecTV's assortment of on-demand UHD...

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