Published On: January 5, 2022

NVIDIA Unleashes RTX 3090 Ti GPU on CES 2022

Published On: January 5, 2022
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NVIDIA Unleashes RTX 3090 Ti GPU on CES 2022

Today's HDMI 2.1 displays need a supremely powerful video card to push enough pixels to take full advantage of what they offer. Will the RTX 3090 Ti step up?

NVIDIA Unleashes RTX 3090 Ti GPU on CES 2022

  • I’m an AV enthusiast, equipment reviewer, photographer, videographer and drone pilot. I’m also a THX-trained video calibrator with extensive experience reviewing consumer displays including TVS, projectors, monitors and smartphones.

There's always going to be top dog in the world of video cards and this new GPU from NVIDIA sure looks like it's got the chops to take the title. Carrying the designation of BFGPU aka Big "Ferocious" GPU, this Ti version of the RTX 3090 should offer a 10% speed boost over the standard version of the GPU. Which, okay, that's incremental, but when you're pushing up the edge of the envelope and expanding it, incremental adds up. Of course, what also adds up is the cost of staying at the bleeding edge, the price of the RTX 3090 Ti has not been announced yet.

So how is this bump in speed achieved? More cores: 10,752 CUDA cores if were counting. And the 24 GB of video memory gets pushed to a higher clock speed, 21 Gbps, a bump up from the 19.5 Gbps that the standard card offers.

There's not a ton more information out there about the RTX 3090 Ti... yet. But, you probably don't need it to know whether or not you want one, since what this card is going to deliverer is fairly predictable. Anyone seeking the fastest card around needs to know who's the new sheriff in town, and right now its name is RTX 3090 Ti.

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