PC Mag reports that Penthouse has decided to enter the 3D market and will debut 3D TV porn in Europe.
FriendFinder Networks' Penthouse division launched Penthouse 3D on the Astra network in Europe on March 1st, 2011.
Additional Resources
• Read more 3D HDTV news from HomeTheaterReview.com.
• Look for a 3D-capable Blu-ray player or AV receiver.
• Check out Jerry Del Colliano's article about the adult industry's role in consumer electronics.
• See the original PC Mag article here.
"We are very excited about the launch of the Penthouse 3D channel," says Marc Bell, chief executive of FriendFinder Networks. "Our goal is always to deliver the latest technology on the world's best platform."
According to FriendFinder, the network will include "100 percent Full 3D Native HD, 30 hours refreshment monthly and programming that includes soft core and hard core feeds."
Though this is definitely a substantial effort, it is not the first network to offer 3D porn. In January 2010, Bad Girls in 3D offered a package that contained a 60-inch Mitsubishi HDTV, two sets of glasses, 3D playback software, and a subscription for $19.95 a month that would provide 3D content. According to the Bad Girls website, two bundles are offered: the $4,000 hardware bundle or a $1,800 for s setup that uses a PC in place of a 3D HDTV.
"The start of Penthouse 3D represents another milestone in the development of ASTRA as key player in the 3D television market," said Ferdinand Kayser, president and chief executive of SES ASTRA said in a statement.
3D HDTV made a big splash at the CES 2010 trade show. It's presence continued at the 2011 CES trade show and remains to be the hot topic in the consumer electronics industry.