Pioneer has debuted a new pair of over-the-ear headphones. The SE-MHR5 has a 40mm driver, a dual-baffle back chamber, and a sensitivity of 102 dB. The headphones come with both a balanced and unbalanced cable, use memory-foam urethane ear cushions, and can fold in two directions. The SE-MHR5 is available now for $299.99
From Pioneer
Offering consumers an ideal way to listen to their growing collection of high-res music, Pioneer Home Entertainment U.S.A. has announced the SE-MHR5 Hi-Res Stereo Headphones are now available for $299.99.
Backed by a robust driver that captures a wide frequency range of 7 Hz to 50 kHz, the SE-MHR5 headphones also features a lightweight Copper-Clad Aluminum Wire voice coil, which allows for crystal clear, hi-res audio throughout the frequency range.
Pioneer's trademark attention to detail rings out with the SE-MHR5, as the unit is equipped with a dual-baffle back chamber that serves two purposes. One, to control the balance between the mid and low frequencies, which improves the overall soundstage and eliminates excess resonance to create a clear and tight bass sound. Second, the noise is isolated for greater listening enjoyment.
Additionally, the SE-MHR5 includes both a standard 3.5mm unbalanced cable for standard headphone jacks and a 2.5mm, four-pole balanced cable for those who enjoy the greater signal separation available for balanced output. Speaking of balance, the input terminal plug attachment has been placed outside of the back chamber to give both left and right chambers equal volume and allow for the same acoustic characteristics for both. The unique twist lock mechanism keeps the plug securely attached.
Extremely comfortable thanks to its memory-foam, urethane cushions, the SE-MHR5 folds two ways, including flat for easy carrying in its accompanying travel pouch.
Additional Resources
• For more information about the company's headphones, please visit Pioneer's website.
• Pioneer Announces New Elite-Branded AV Receivers at