Published On: March 5, 2014

Retailers Ordering More Curved TVs

Published On: March 5, 2014
Last Updated on: October 31, 2020
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Retailers Ordering More Curved TVs

Despite some skepticism, retailers are stocking up on curved HDTVs. Curved TVs were all the rage at CES 2014, though each manufacturers seemed to cite different reasons for introducing the technology. Whether or not consumers will see the value in...

Retailers Ordering More Curved TVs

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curveddd.jpgDespite some skepticism, retailers are stocking up on curved HDTVs. Curved TVs were all the rage at CES 2014, though each manufacturers seemed to cite different reasons for introducing the technology. Whether or not consumers will see the value in curved televisions remains to be seen, though it seems there will be plenty of stock on hand should they decide to purchase one.

From Business Wire

TV vendors are bumping up orders for curved Ultra HD TV panels amid increasing demand for curved TVs. Curved TVs gained popularity in late 2013 and are picking up momentum in the high-end segment, with vendors expected to release new units throughout 2014.

Additionally, previously it was difficult for upstream component makers to make curved LCD TV products but due to developments, most notably in LCD modules, TV vendors have more options.

As a result, Samsung Electronics, LG Electronics in addition to Japan- and China-based vendors are expected to bump up their Ultra HD curved TV product lines, with most panel supply expected to come from AU Optronics (AUO).

Curved LCD panels are estimated to have 20-30% higher costs than flat LCD TV panels, noted market observers.

Meanwhile, the observers also noted that Innolux is expected to release a new line of curved Ultra HD TV panels sometime in March 2014.

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