Published On: September 23, 2010

Savant Levels Lawsuit Against Crestron to Prevent Monopoly

Published On: September 23, 2010
Last Updated on: October 31, 2020
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Savant Levels Lawsuit Against Crestron to Prevent Monopoly

Monopoly, alas, is not just a board game. It is also a competition-squelching condition that arises when a single company has all the assets in a particular arena, leaving other companies in that field empty-handed. Savant is suing Crestron in order to prevent a monopoly, according to CE Pro.

Savant Levels Lawsuit Against Crestron to Prevent Monopoly

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CE Pro is reporting that on September 22, 2010, the night before the CEDIA Expo, Savant Systems filed a lawsuit against Crestron Electronics.


Savant is accusing Creston of breaking antitrust laws in order to keep Savant out of the marketplace. This was a surprising move, and done well after business hours in an almost blitzkrieg fashion. Savant makes some rather bold claims. They claim that Crestron is actually intimidating dealers.

Savant asserts that Crestron has been creating exclusionary agreements with dealers, keeping them from carrying Savant if they want to carry Crestron. An additional claim is that Crestron has been threatening dealers that express interest in carrying Savant products. This system would eliminate competition by Savant and allow Crestron to maintain a position that is a borderline monopoly of the market.

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Please read our other articles, including
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Savant goes on to say that Crestron has also launched a smear campaign, publishing knowingly untrue information about Savant.

Robert Madonna, CEO of Savant told CE Pro, "It is important that dealers have the right to buy whatever equipment they want to buy. We didn't due this lightly...we felt we had no other option at this point."

When reached for comment, Crestron's marketing vice president Randy Klein denied any knowledge of the lawsuit.

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