Sony Electronics recently announced the launch of 3D Experience, a new, free of charge on-demand streaming service offering a range of promotional video clips and trial content in 3D, including highlights of Wimbledon 2011, all in 3D. The service is currently available to owners of 3D capable Sony BRAVIA HDTVs immediately after purchase and without registration. Plans have been made to expand the service to Blu-ray Disc Players and Blu-ray Disc Home Theater Systems. The initial launch takes place in five countries: the U.S., Canada, U.K., Germany and France.
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3D Experience provides instant access to 3D clips and trial content from a variety of genres, including movies, music, sports, and documentaries, with about 30 titles available at launch. Content available via this service will include highlights of Wimbledon 2011, movie trailers from releases such as Green Hornet and Monster House in 3D, promotional clips of original 3D programming from 3net (the U.S. 3D television network from Sony, Discovery and IMAX) and 3D promotional music video clips. Highlights of the FIFA 2011 Women's World Cup Germany will be also available in the U.S. Going forward, Sony plans to further expand the content line-up and promote 3D Experience among content holders as a forum through which to showcase their 3D offerings.
Through 3D Experience, Sony will provide an environment where users can actively discover and enjoy a variety of 3D content to further enrich their 3D entertainment experience.