Published On: October 12, 2014

Steinway Lyngdorf Announces Dolby Atmos and AURO-3D Compatible Surround Sound Processor

Published On: October 12, 2014
Last Updated on: October 31, 2020
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Steinway Lyngdorf Announces Dolby Atmos and AURO-3D Compatible Surround Sound Processor

Attendees at the recent CEDIA Expo got a sneak-peek demonstration of Steinway Lyngdorf's newest surround sound processor, the Model P200. This processor supports both Dolby Atmos and AURO-3D to create a more immersive audio experience, and it includes eight HDMI...

Steinway Lyngdorf Announces Dolby Atmos and AURO-3D Compatible Surround Sound Processor

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Steinway-Lyngdorf-P200.jpgAttendees at the recent CEDIA Expo got a sneak-peek demonstration of Steinway Lyngdorf's newest surround sound processor, the Model P200. This processor supports both Dolby Atmos and AURO-3D to create a more immersive audio experience, and it includes eight HDMI inputs and four HDMI outputs, with support for 4K, 3D, HDCP 2.2 copy protection, and HDBaseT. The Model P200 is reportedly due out in early 2015.

From Steinway Lyngdorf
Steinway Lyngdorf is proud to announce its latest product, the pioneering Model P200 three-dimensional surround sound processor. With full support of Dolby Atmos, AURO-3D, video scaling, 4K and 3D video, HDCP 2.2, and advanced HDMI switching, the Model P200 delivers digital high-def surround sound experiences that the world has never heard.

Immersive surround sound installation is set to become a defining market trend in coming years. With Dolby Atmos and AURO-3D, filmmakers can now add height and top layer elements to a soundtrack for the most realistic cinema-sound listening experience ever created. The Steinway Lyngdorf Model P200 will work with these technologies in a remarkably versatile approach that allows for unlimited creativity in installations.

Like its award-winning predecessor the Model P1, the Model P200 surround sound processor is equipped with the advanced technologies for which Steinway Lyngdorf is known, including:

• RoomPerfect, the world's most advanced three-dimensional room correction system. With RoomPerfect, each speaker is adjusted to account for the environment's influence, thus guaranteeing optimum performance.

• Fully digital signal processing. Steinway Lyngdorf components keep the audio stream entirely in the digital domain throughout the audio chain, while maintaining the full resolution and razor-sharp dynamics of the original signal. This means nothing gets between you and your sound.

Additonal Resources
CEDIA 2014 Show Report and Photo Slideshow at
• Visit the Steinway Lyngdorf website for more product details.

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