Published On: January 17, 2025

The Best LG Soundbar for TV with Dolby Atmos® and Rear Surround Speakers 9.1.5, The S95TR!

Published On: January 17, 2025
Last Updated on: January 23, 2025
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The Best LG Soundbar for TV with Dolby Atmos® and Rear Surround Speakers 9.1.5, The S95TR!

The S95T from LG is a solid performer and well worth the current price which was $999.99 at the time of this review. The sound is above average for a sound bar in this price range and if you have a WOW ready LG TV it is a great pairing for it.

The Best LG Soundbar for TV with Dolby Atmos® and Rear Surround Speakers 9.1.5, The S95TR!

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Pros and cons

Excellent Sound QualityRemote feels cheap and not laid out well
Up firing speakers fill even a large roomNo LCD screen means you need the app
Solid Bass responseVoice prompts are annoying
Excellent connectivity optionsApp required for many features
The S95T from LG is a solid performer and well worth the current price which was $999.99 at the time of this review. The sound is above average for a sound bar in this price range and if you have a WOW ready LG TV it is a great pairing for it. 62695daa full view

Key features

  • 810 Watts of power
  • Separate Subwoofer
  • 17 speaker drivers
  • Bluetooth and Wifi Compatible
  • 2 HDMI ports one supporting eARC


This soundbar is a heavy weight in more ways than one.  It comes in a massive and fairly heavy box as everything is all packed in there.  It is easy to setup and get started.  You are going to want to download the app as it will make setup and install much easier.  Getting the rear speaker placement right will help ensure the sound is properly enveloping your listening and viewing area.  I have seen some complaints online that the rear speakers are too loud, I believe it is because people are placing them too close to their seating.  I had them setup equal distant to the sound bar and woofer and they sounded perfectly fine at the factory levels.  Reflections are important to the way this system works and if you have the up-firing part of the rear speaker close to your head it isn’t going to give the desired effect, it is supposed to bounce off the ceiling and down to the listening area.

Using the app you can use the AI tuning section to get a good baseline of your room and that will help deal with any setup challenges you may have.

The S95T from LG is a solid performer and well worth the current price which was $999.99 at the time of this review. The sound is above average for a sound bar in this price range and if you have a WOW ready LG TV it is a great pairing for it. bb080869 sub


  • The design is nice and exactly what you would expect a higher end soundbar system
  • Up-firing speakers on the man bar and the rear speakers help fill the space and provide better emersion
  • Remote design is a little strange and cheap feeling
  • The lack of a real display is disappointing

The design is as solid as the sound is on this soundbar.  Everything looks great and professional. It isn’t going to be a show piece, but it will blend in well especially in a room with some darker colors.  

The only real issue is the complete lack of an LED or other type of screen.  The only real visual feedback are a row of multi colored LEDs that give no real effective messages to the user.  When you push buttons on the remote they flash some different colors which without a secret decoder ring are useless.  The volume indicator is on the same LEDs and make absolutely no sense, different numbers of green then yellow depending on the volume, not really intuitive.  

The S95T from LG is a solid performer and well worth the current price which was $999.99 at the time of this review. The sound is above average for a sound bar in this price range and if you have a WOW ready LG TV it is a great pairing for it. ef6b06c8 cropped

Some feedback comes from voice prompts, but they are annoying.  The other issue with the voice prompts is that they are useless to someone who is hearing impaired.  Why would someone hearing impaired care about a soundbar you may say?  Well first they may be using the speakers, especially the bass to feel what is going on in a movie.  Second they may be trying to change inputs or other functions for someone who isn’t hearing impaired.  This leaves the only option for them using the app.

The remote feels cheap for the price of this unit and has limited functionality.  The pictures don’t make a lot of sense for the functions in some cases, which leads to mashing buttons until the soundbar does something that you think it should do.  Paired with the lack of the LED screen, the remote is almost useless.  That said, it seems like it was by design to push you to either get a WOW capable LG TV so you can control everything from the TV remote and have onscreen menus or to use the app.


  • Easy Setup
  • Power cords are all the same and designed well
  • The app makes tuning the configuration easy

Everything was packed well and well protected in the box.  The power cords have nice right angles on them so that they sit flush with the cases and all of the power cords are the same so you don’t have to try to figure out which one goes where.

The S95T from LG is a solid performer and well worth the current price which was $999.99 at the time of this review. The sound is above average for a sound bar in this price range and if you have a WOW ready LG TV it is a great pairing for it. 0485c364 rear

The app has an AI tuning feature that can listen to the room and configure the soundbar for your room.  This is a great help.

Sound Quality

  • Bass is strong and clear
  • Overall sound is high quality with no real issues
  • Fully immersive sound 
  • Cinema mode provides the best overall sound
  • Powerful

This is a great sounding soundbar that gives you the theater experience at home.  Bass is solid without being overbearing and doesn’t get muddy.  With the up-firing speakers it really does sound like you are in the middle of the action.  It is always a good sign that you have a good surround sound system when you are looking back because you think something is happening behind you.  

When flipping through the different presets while watching different content, I found that Cinema mode was actually the best all around.  I was a little surprised by this, because usually Cinema mode is not great for things like music, but in watching live music it was still the best mode.  It really gave the feeling that you were in the venue with the artist.

The S95T from LG is a solid performer and well worth the current price which was $999.99 at the time of this review. The sound is above average for a sound bar in this price range and if you have a WOW ready LG TV it is a great pairing for it. 80d5e9a7 inputs

I watched several action movies and it really performed well.  It was like being in a theater, but I was able to pause the movie when needed.  I found that the quality and the mix of the sound stayed consistent at all volume levels.  Other soundbars and surround sound systems I have used can sometimes change the mix based on the volume.  Highs can get harsh, bass can get muddy, that just didn’t happen with the LG.  

Using different sources and different streaming services seemed to be consistent with the LG soundbar, so it seems to do a good job of adjusting to differences in the source.

I pushed the 810 watts with some music and was quite impressed at how well it did.  Now, is it the same as my high-end PA systems?  No, but it has more than enough power to fill a man cave, without sounding like a muddled mess.  

In a large room (25x20) with multiple TVs going for Sunday Football, the sound level was able to be set in a way that it didn’t interfere with the other game one the other side of the room, but still give immersive sound in the seats within the zone of the soundbar.  

Final thoughts

The LG S95TR is solid in both construction and sound quality.  I have enjoyed the time with it and would consider it as an option when I buy my next soundbar.  It is everything I would expect from a higher end soundbar especially from someone like LG.  I do wish it had an LED display and a better remote, but I understand why it was done the way it was.  With the app it is something I can get past, but it could be the determining factor if I were looking at two similar soundbars.  Maybe I am just spoiled with my older Sony soundbar that has a remote that feels nice and has a lot of functions along with the built-in display on the soundbar.

The S95T from LG is a solid performer and well worth the current price which was $999.99 at the time of this review. The sound is above average for a sound bar in this price range and if you have a WOW ready LG TV it is a great pairing for it. 15132ad4 top


  • Number of Channels: 9.1.5
  • Output Power: 810 W
  • Dolby Atmos: Yes
  • DTS:X: Yes
  • WOW Orchestra: Yes
  • Main Speaker Dimensions: 1250 x 63 x 135 mm
  • Rear Speaker Dimensions: 159 x 223 x 142 mm
  • Subwoofer Dimensions: 201.7 x 407.0 x 403.0 mm.


The S95T from LG is a solid performer and well worth the current price which was $999.99 at the time of this review. The sound is above average for a sound bar in this price range and if you have a WOW ready LG TV it is a great pairing for it.  For those without a WOW ready TV, there may be better options depending on your preferences on remote layout and functionality.  If you don’t have WOW, the phone app is a must for this unit.

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