Published On: October 9, 2013

Wireless Internet

Published On: October 9, 2013
Last Updated on: March 9, 2022
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Wireless Internet

Wireless Internet has become widespread throughout our modern world, wirelessy transmitting Internet data between routers and computers and mobile devices.

Wireless Internet

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Wireless Internet, also known as Wi-Fi, is the wireless transmission of Internet data between a router and a device.

Wireless Internet is common on Blu-ray players, AV receivers, many TVs, and Internet streaming devices like the Apple TV.

The most common implementation of wireless Internet is in a home, where a central wireless hub or router broadcasts a signal. This signal is picked up by a Wi-Fi device, which communicates with the router.

Currently, wireless transmission of HD signals is still in its early stages, so you'll still need HDMI cables for that. Not all wireless products are the same. Most wireless speakers, for example, use infra-red or a technology similar to cordless phones.

For more on the transmission standard of Wireless Internet, check out our page on 802.11 and its various incarnations.

Check out reviews of Blu-ray players with Wi-Fi built-in.

Many AV Receivers come equipped with Wireless Internet.

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