Published On: October 29, 2010

Yamaha Goes Classic and Announces Stereo Components

Published On: October 29, 2010
Last Updated on: October 31, 2020
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Yamaha Goes Classic and Announces Stereo Components

It's back to the future for Yamaha. The company has just introduced five new Hi-Fi components that combine the latest technology with vintage styles from the 70s and 80s including three new stereo receivers an integrated amp and a matching tuner

Yamaha Goes Classic and Announces Stereo Components

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Yamaha recently introduced five new Hi-Fi components that combine vintage designs with modern features. The new line includes the R-S700, R-S500, and R-S300 stereo receivers, plus the A-S500 integrated amp and T-S500 matching tuner. These new models give classic audio enthusiasts a combination of retro design harkening back to the Yamaha components of the 1970s and 1980s and the connectivity and internal design of a modern audio system comprising of both digital and analog sources.

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• See a complete list of all Yamaha news and reviews.

The R-S700 offers 100 watts per channel output, while the R-S500 delivers 75 watts per channel output, and the R-S300 provides 50 watts per channel output. As for the A-S500 integrated amp, it produces 85 watts per channel output. The matching tuner, the T-S500, comes with Yamaha's Pure Direct technology, which is designed to let the signal travel the shortest possible route.

Compatible with Yamaha's optional YDS-12 wired, and YID-W10 wireless docks, the new receivers and integrated amplifier can deliver sound from iPods and iPhones by leveraging the docks' independent power supplies, resulting in a reportedly signal-to-noise ration. The units also utilize a balanced system to receive the signal from the iPod/iPhone. In addition, the receivers feature compatibility with Yamaha's YBA-10 Bluetooth wireless audio receiver, providing more audio input flexibility.

The R-S700 and R-S500 integrated receivers feature Yamaha's Zone 2 technology, allowing for access and control from multiple rooms.

Related Articles and Content
You can find more information by reading our related articles, Yamaha Adds New AV Receiver: the RX-V867 and Yamaha Declares All AV Receiver Lines 3D Compatible. You can also find more information by visiting our Amplifier, Source Component, and Receiver sections.

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