Published On: November 27, 2023

SIVGA Luan Headphone Review: Luxury Looking Headphones with Crystal Clear Sound

Published On: November 27, 2023
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SIVGA Luan Headphone Review: Luxury Looking Headphones with Crystal Clear Sound

SIVGA's Luan headphones deliver a luxurious listening experience, from their premium design down to the balanced, nuanced audio. Crafted using quality wood and leather, the headphones look and feel high-end, with plush earcups that remain comfortable even during lengthy listening sessions.

SIVGA Luan Headphone Review: Luxury Looking Headphones with Crystal Clear Sound

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SIVGA’s Luan headphones is a product that truly feels luxurious. From the ground up, the Luans are designed to be premium, using high-quality materials and a modern, upscale design. These $300 headphones deliver on multiple fronts though, not just looks.

The Luans offers listeners cloud-like comfort and crystal-clear audio that makes using these headphones an absolute dream. And with its elegant packaging, the SIVGA Luans differentiate themselves from the crowd.

High Points

  • Well balanced, extremely naturalistic sound that favors detail.
  • Superb build quality that uses premium materials.
  • Very comfortable to wear, even in prolonged sessions.
  • Easy to power, making them quite portable.

Build & Design

Something that immediately struck me about the Luans is their stunning, upscale design. The use of wood furnishing, soft handcrafted earcups, and an aluminum headband, gives these headphones a sophisticated and luxurious look. 

I want to take a moment to highlight the comfort of the earcups. They really feel like you have two soft pillows on the side of your head, and it makes wearing the Luans an absolute breeze. They’re very well padded and seem designed to be worn for long-term listening.

SIVGA's Luan headphones deliver a luxurious listening experience, from their premium design down to the balanced, nuanced audio. Crafted using quality wood and leather, the headphones look and feel high-end, with plush earcups that remain comfortable even during lengthy listening sessions. GNXyzK1acru2nTSGAG2O9WzQOSnxt5A0eifFk0xWAtpKfiu2LeHY7znJeDput1K0Poh846tog51nTR1eXtPZu Yj4q6y 9XzzoUhya3QohFP jDA01kYJfdxnyJx1 WPQQ0Y20QIGAEF YgsuDbwbQ

The aluminum headband is padded with leather, which is nice because it alleviates any discomfort from having a metal headband. It never feels like the headband is exerting too much pressure on your head, which is something that I can’t even say about plastic headbands on other products.

On that note, the headphones manage to balance exceptional comfort with a good clasp. The Luans feel secure on my head, but also don't make me feel like my head is in a vice grip. Which is important, because the Luans are very portable for wired headphones, and they feel secure even when mobile.

The attention to detail with this product is evident. These headphones just look and feel luxurious. The use of such premium materials and design will make these headphones durable and long lasting. 

Pleasantly, these headphones are actually very lightweight as well. Initially, I was a little worried that the premium materials would make the Luans heavy and uncomfortable to wear for prolonged listening sessions, but that was a non-issue. In fact, these headphones provide an excellent listening experience.

Audio Performance

The Luans make their mark when it comes to audio performance. The sound on these headphones is enveloping. It is rich in its organic detail, and offers a very well balanced sound. The bass on the Luans is sufficiently agile and punchy, however those who prefer a warmer, bassy sound may be disappointed by these headphones.

The Luans revel in nuance and detail. They offer a restrained, balanced, and naturalistic sound that is never too indulgent. The intricacies of albums like Crumbling by Mid-Air Thief shine through, and sound immersive and beautiful. There is a great scale of sound on more grand tracks, such as Oxygen by Swans.

In terms of soundstaging, I think the Luans pass with flying colors. The headphones give you a real sense of space and dimension that is both precise and immersive. 

Occasionally the sound can almost feel too naturalistic to the point where it comes across restrained. The emphasis in the design here seems to be placed on clarity and resolution, rather than dynamics or excitement. The Luans offer a straightforward sound without any of the bells and whistles that you may find in other products.

The sound lands decidedly on the cooler side of things. If you’re looking for a warmer tone that has a lot of bass driving it, then you’re better off looking for different headphones. However, if you favor detail and clarity, the Luans are an excellent option.

The Listening Experience

Audio performance aside, the listening experience on the Luans is great. The lightweight comfort of these headphones makes it easy to wear them for hours, which is great as someone who is a prolonged music listener. 

Something I really like about these headphones is how portable they are. They’re relatively easy to drive, so you don’t need a whole lot to get them running. Just using your mobile device will be enough to power the Luans.

I tested these headphones in multiple listening scenarios, from sitting down and listening with them plugged into an amp, to using them while walking around with my phone. Between these experiences, I can say that using these headphones is very simple and flexible, and maintains its sound quality and comfort.

When I was walking around, the Luans remained secure and showed no signs of slipping, and the wire didn’t really feel disruptive to my movement. Of course, you will likely get the most mileage out of these headphones sitting down at home with a proper amp set up. 


The Luans packaging matches their premium feel and attention to detail. The package includes a hard shell leather carrying case, which not only offers protection for the headphones but also feels upscale and elegant.  It’s well designed and sturdy, and easy to transport as well. It’s compact enough to fit in a small bag.

In addition to the leather case, the Luans come with a few other accessories. The package includes a dual 3.5mm to 3.5mm cable, and a 3.5mm female to 6.35mm male adapter is included, enabling compatibility with a broader range of audio equipment.

SIVGA's Luan headphones deliver a luxurious listening experience, from their premium design down to the balanced, nuanced audio. Crafted using quality wood and leather, the headphones look and feel high-end, with plush earcups that remain comfortable even during lengthy listening sessions. xMNcOEDPIi9UbdTvpuiCD9kt0ti5yYQIBlJYkQVBiT9 89y7 If8n1ECV 5Rvgde9MXt7eNhun8 b1g1xSoYK98v SQ8PQrPX 69fobGbYkkqSDQt114sIF0miv5PpYvTL4S9XJEA7lXSJurergwgg

Lastly, a Hemp bag is provided, offering a storage option for your wires and other accessories that came with the Luans. It’s especially noticeable when the rest of the packaging, feels very premium.

At the very least, the cord is designed to not be tangled in transport, which is a convenient plus given the mobility these headphones have. It also makes storing the cable a bit easier, which is nice.


Overall, the Sivga Luans were a very well-rounded pair of headphones. Listeners who prefer a naturalistic sound and clarity over any indulgences will likely get a lot out of these headphones. However, those who want a more bombastic sound may be disappointed by the extremely balanced and restrained audio the Luans provide.

With handcrafted luxury and featherweight comfort, the Luans enwrap your ears in spacious, intricate soundscapes that captivate for hours.

Anyone can appreciate the build quality of these headphones, though. They are made with very careful detail and use premium materials that give the Luans a very upscale and durable feel. They don’t sacrifice comfort for luxury design, either. These headphones are a dream to wear and listen to which is why we are excited to give it our Highly Recommended Award.

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